Funding Forward 2023: 10th Annual Gathering of LGBTQ and Allied Grantmakers | |
Funding Forward 2023 is quickly approaching! We hope you’ll join us in-person in Chicago, IL or virtually November 29th through December 1st for our 10th annual conference gathering grantmakers committed to LGBTQ issues.
We look forward to sharing the full conference slate with you in the coming weeks but are excited to offer a first look at some of the sessions in this year’s program.
Sessions include:
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We want to thank our host Chicago Community Trust and sponsors for their support of this year's conference. Without them Funding Forward would not be possible. | |
Transitions at Funders for LGBTQ Issues: Marvin Webb, CFO | |
It is with pride, along with sadness and excitement, Funders for LGBTQ Issues shares that after thirteen years, Marvin Webb will be transitioning from his role as Chief Financial Officer. He will be leaving at the end of September to become the inaugural executive director of the Nonprofit Financial Commons.
Marvin’s careful and thoughtful stewardship of the organization’s human resources and finances has not only ensured its long term sustainability, but has also offered new innovations and strategies to those in the philanthropic sector seeking to deepen their commitment to equity and justice.
We are so honored to get to celebrate Marvin’s graduation from Funders at this year’s Funding Forward conference in Chicago. Read the full transition announcement.
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A New World Is Coming: Black TGNC Artists and Writers Speak On Cultural Organizing | |
From drag bans to book bans, the far-right has escalated its brutal attacks against racial, queer, and reproductive rights and justice. These attacks remind us of the deep need for expanded philanthropic investment and support for Black TGNC artists and cultural organizers.
Join Funders for LGBTQ Issues and our partners at Grantmakers in the Arts and ABFE, a Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities on September 28 at 2 pm ET for a powerful conversation on the role of cultural organizing in our current moment.
Panelists include:
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Funders for LGBTQ Issues Annual Data Collection | |
Pride Foundation and Paul G. Allen Family Foundation’s Partnership to Invest in LGBTQ+ Youth Across Washington | |
In August, Funders for LGBTQ Issues members’ Pride Foundation and Paul G. Allen Family Foundation announced $1.6 million in funding to support LGBTQ+ youth-serving organizations. The two-year pilot program, focused on Washington state, is funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and implemented by Pride Foundation. The program provides unrestricted resources for nonprofits that primarily serve LGBTQ+ youth and support growth, capacity building, and movement building within and across the organizations, as well as the opportunity for participants to build relationships, share stories, rest, heal, and learn with each other as leaders. Learn more. | |
Save The Date: Gender Bash 2023 | |
Gender Bash, Third Wave Fund’s annual party and fundrager, returns this fall on Thursday, November 2nd at 7PM ET! Gender Bash raises crucial funds for Third Wave’s grantmaking to fuel the organizing and healing work of young women, trans, and gender nonconforming youth of color and low-income youth across the country. Save the date and sign up for Third Wave Fund’s newsletter to be the first to get the official invite. | |
Third Wave Fund: Mobilize Power Fund | Third Wave Fund's Mobilize Power Fund resources time-sensitive projects including community organizing and mobilization, healing justice work, conflict resolution, community accountability, transformative and restorative justice work, direct action, and more. Application deadline: October 3, 2023. | | | |
Call or Applications: Global Steering Committee, LGBTI Pathways | LGBTI Pathways a global, multi-year project to identify and catalyze opportunities to increase and improve funding for LGBTI communities is looking for Steering Committee members! Donors and activists alike are invited to join the committee, which will advise and guide Pathways throughout the duration of the project. Application deadline: rolling. | | | |
New Report: Banning Medical Care and Legal Recognition for Transgender People
The Movement Advancement Project has a new report out on recent efforts to criminalize transition-related medical care and curtail legal recognition for transgender people at-large. The report is the fifth in their series, Under Fire: The War on LGBTQ People in America, and outlines five core tactics opponents are using in their attempts to erase transgender people from public life.
GPP Global Resources Report
Global Philanthropy Project is collecting LGBTI grantmaking data on funds awarded in calendar years 2021 and 2022 to offer funders an accurate understanding of the global LGBTI landscape. Data submission deadline September 30, 2023.
Art of Leadership Training, Rockwood Leadership Institute
The Rockwood Leadership Institute is now accepting applications for their flagship Art of Leadership training. The training is rooted in Rockwood’s six core practices—purpose, vision, partnership, resilience, performance, and personal ecology, and is aimed at providing social change leaders with tools and skills to help change themselves, their communities, and the world. Application deadline: varies based on training.
LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces National Funders Briefing
Across the board, LGBTQ safe gathering spaces face an unprecedented, ever-growing risk of violence and harm. Join the Anti-Violence Project on September 27 at 1 pm ET for the release of their new report, Under Attack: 2022 LGBTQ Safe Spaces National Needs Assessment. The report provides the first-ever large survey of LGBTQ organizations and groups nationwide on hate violence and prevention needs.
Unity Through Diversity: A National LGBTQIA+ BIPOC Health Conference
Join In Our Own Voices Inc. in Albany, NY on October 26th to October 29th for a jam-packed slate of workshops, panel presentations, and keynotes by activists and scholars from across the nation working on LGBTQIA+ BIPOC health, wellness, and capacity-building. People of color, transgender, and non-binary people are strongly encouraged to attend.
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Notable promotions, transitions, and career updates from LGBTQ people
in philanthropy and allies.
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Q-Notes is a regular newsletter produced by Funders for LGBTQ Issues. Please contact with questions on this edition or submissions for future publishings. The next edition of Q-Notes will be released on October 26th. | | | |
Cynthia Renfro, Chair (Civis Consulting, LLC)
Paulina Helm-Hernandez, Vice-Chair (Foundation for a Just Society)
Jonathan Jayes-Green, Secretary (Philanthropic Consultant)
Karen Appelbaum, Treasurer (Northwest Area Foundation)
Namita Chad (Philanthropic Consultant)
Ana Conner (Third Wave Fund)
Desiree Flores (General Service Foundation)
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Aldita Gallardo (Borealis Philanthropy)
Lane Harwell (Ford Foundation)
Kelli King-Jackson (The Simmons Foundation)
Cathy K.K. Kapua (Trans Justice Funding Project)
Bré Rivera (Black Trans Fund)
Glo Ross (Arcus Foundation)
William (Bill) Smith (May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust)
Judy Yu (Wellspring Philanthropic Fund)
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Saida Agostini-Bostic
Cleopatra Jach Acquaye
Director of Programs
Luna Moreta Avila
GUTC Project Director
April Bethea
Director of External Affairs
Ashe Helm-Hernández
Senior Fellow of Philanthropic Organizing
Shaena Johnson
Interim Director of Out in the South
Alyssa Lawther
Senior Research Officer
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Alexander L. Lee
Deputy Director
Ollin Rodriguez Lopez
Director of Human Resources & Administration
Amara Reese-Hansell
Membership Engagement Officer
Stephen Switzer
Director of Finance
Marvin Webb
Chief Financial Officer
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American Jewish World Service
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Arabella Advisors
Arcus Foundation
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice Baltimore Community Foundation
Borealis Philanthropy
Boston Foundation
California Wellness Foundation
Civil Rights Defenders
Cleveland Foundation
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Community Foundation of Louisiana
Community Foundation of Northeast Florida Con Alma Health Foundation
David Bohnett Foundation
Dwight Stuart Youth Fund
Edward W. Hazen Foundation
Excelerate Foundation
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Ford Foundation
Foundation for a Just Society
Foundation for the Carolinas
Foundation for Louisiana
General Services Foundation
Gilead Sciences
Gill Foundation
Gilmour-Jirgens Fund
Groundswell Fund
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Henry van Ameringen Foundation
Horizons Foundation
James Irvine Foundation
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Johnson Family Foundation
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Kicking Assets Fund
Kresge Foundation
Laughing Gull Foundation
Levi Strauss Foundation
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
The Leonard-Litz LGBTQ+ Foundation
Libra Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Marguerite Casey Foundation
Masto Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Meyer Memorial Trust
Ms. Foundation For Women
Mukti Fund
Nathan Cummings Foundation
NEO Philanthropy
New Moon Fund
New York Women's Foundation
North Star Fund
Northwest Area Foundation
Open Society Foundations
Our Fund, Inc.
Overbrook Foundation
Pacific Foundation Services, LLC
Paul G. Allen Foundation
Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation
PFund Foundation
Philadelphia Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
Pride Foundation
Proteus Fund, Inc.
Richmond Memorial Health Foundation
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Rosenberg Foundation
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Simmons Foundation
Small Change Foundation
Southwest Florida Community Foundation
Stonewall Community Foundation
Stupski Foundation
Surdna Foundation
The California Endowment
The Collins Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
The Palette Fund
The Queer Livelihoods Project
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Tikkum Olam Foundation
Third Wave Fund
Tides Foundation
Trans Justice Funding Project
Transgender Strategy Center
Tzedek Social Justice Fund
Wallace Foundation
Washington Grantmakers AIDS Partnership
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Wild Geese Foundation
Women's Foundation of California
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