January 2022
QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality
The NH DHHS Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration is pleased to introduce you to our new Quality Recognition and Improvement System, Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ).

This program supports NH’s Early Childhood and Out-of-School Time programs on their path to enhanced quality so that children thrive and succeed in school and beyond. The GSQ replaces the Licensed Plus Program and focuses on helping programs enhance their quality through self-study, professional development, coaching and other technical assistance.

It is time to get recognized for all you do and become one of New Hampshire’s “recognized” quality programs as a Granite Steps for Quality awardee. To get started take some time to review our Granite Steps for Quality Guidebook, the GSQ application and other informational and instructional pieces included on the "Granite Steps for Quality" page.
NEW QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality Introduction and Overview Webinar

Please join us for a webinar overview of the new Quality Recognition and Improvement System – Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ). This important webinar will give you an overview of the system and introduce you to the application, award and incentive processes. This presentation will include a Q & A option in the chat and be the basis for the development of the GSQ FAQs. The recorded session, FAQs, the GSQ Guide and application will be available on NH Connections.

Trainer: Dianne R. Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Step Toward "Quality" with CCAoNH
  • Are your Program Practices committed to Quality Improvement for your children, families and staff?

  • Does your program have experience with Credentialing, Pyramid Model Practices or the Environment Rating Scales?

  • Have you heard about the upcoming Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS): Granite Steps for Quality?

With the upcoming QRIS System, the team here at CCAoNH is prepared to help programs start taking Steps for Quality. We have created new programming, offerings and resources to help Early Childhood Programs and Family Care Providers begin aligning their practices towards the standards within the QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality.

If you'd like to explore what that may look like in your program we invite you to contact us at [email protected] with questions or start your process by taking our Quality Readiness Pre-Assessment Survey.
Staff Qualifications
Working to get your staff credentialed?
We can help!
Join us for a credential PD opportunity.
Don't forget CCAoNH is willing to support the cost of credentials through our Credential Challenge!
If your program needs more hands-on assistance with Credentialing consider applying for our Q-Ready Staff Qualifications Initiative.
For more information about New Hampshire's Early Childhood Professional Development System, please visit the "Credentialing" page of our website. If you have questions about the Credentialing process or documents please reach out to us at [email protected].
Environment Rating Scales (ERS)
"What Does Diversity In The Environment Look Like? Photos, Books and Materials"
Bringing diversity into the classroom isn't just about race, there are other factors that assessors look for when evaluating programs using the ITERS-3, ECERS-3 and FCCERS-3 tools. Have you considered what else they look for?

We've found an article from Let's Talk Quality: Program Quality Assessment in Pennsylvania on this very matter. Check it out to help practitioners look through a different lens when teaching about diversity.
Join us for any of our upcoming Intro and Overview of Environment Rating Scales opportunities or apply to participate in the Q-Ready Environment Rating Scales Progressive Training Program.
For more information on the ERS or how you can begin to explore this important tool check out our "Environment Rating Scales" page of our website.

If you have questions about exploring the ERS tool please reach out to us at [email protected].
Pyramid Model
Routine Based Support Guide
As teachers know, children engage in challenging behavior for a variety of reasons, but all children use challenging behavior to communicate messages.
This Routine Based Support Guide, was developed to assist teachers in problem-solving a plan to support young children who are having challenging behavior.

A “Teacher’s Support Planning Sheet” is available at the beginning of the guide to help educators brainstorm a support plan around an individual child.
Join us for any of our upcoming Intro and Overview of the Pyramid Model or apply to participate in the Q-Ready Pyramid Model Intro and Overview Progressive Training Program.
For more information on the Pyramid Model or how you can begin to explore this Social Emotional Learning Framework you can visit our "Social Emotional Development and Learning" page.

If you have questions about exploring the Pyramid Model Framework reach out to us at [email protected].
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this email was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.