QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality
Have you started exploring Granite Steps for Quality, NH's new Quality Recognition and Improvement System?
It is time to get recognized for all you do and become one of New Hampshire’s “recognized” quality programs as a Granite Steps for Quality awardee. To get started take some time to review the Granite Steps for Quality Guidebook, the GSQ application and other informational and instructional pieces included on the "Granite Steps for Quality" page.
Learning More About Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ)
Do you have questions about Granite Steps for Quality?
Check out the GSQ Frequently Asked Questions document found on the " Granite Steps for Quality" page on NH-Connections. It is fueled by the questions coming from providers all around the state, and is updated frequently. The Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, Child Care Aware of New Hampshire and ACROSS NH are actively collecting your questions in order to get you all the information you need.
Where can I find all of the GSQ Resources and Guides?
Step Toward "Quality" with CCAoNH
- Are your Program Practices committed to Quality Improvement for your children, families and staff?
- Does your program have experience with Credentialing, Pyramid Model Practices or the Environment Rating Scales?
- Have you heard about the current Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS): Granite Steps for Quality?
With the newly adopted QRIS System, the team here at CCAoNH is prepared to help programs start taking Steps for Quality. We have created new programming, offerings and resources to help Early Childhood Programs and Family Care Providers begin aligning their practices towards the standards within the QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality.
Granite Steps for Quality Guide-Updated October 2022
The Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ) Guide was recently updated. Some notable changes include:
- Three (3) rubrics, rather than six (6)
- Training titles and links where appropriate
- Explanation of pathway timelines
- Inclusion of the revised 2022 Credential titles
To find these changes and view the guide, click the picture to the right or the button below.
You can find all the information to apply for your NH Early Childhood Credential on the " Credentialing" page of NH Connections.
If your program needs more hands-on assistance with Credentialing consider applying for our Q-Ready Staff Qualifications Progressive Training Program.
For more information about New Hampshire's Early Childhood Professional Development System, please visit the " Credentialing" page of our website. If you have questions about the Credentialing process or documents please reach out to us at ccrrta@snhs.org.
2022-2023 Credential Challenge
Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, and the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration are thrilled to announce this year's Early Childhood Credential Challenge! We are so excited to celebrate the dedication and expertise of all of NH's Early Childhood Professionals.
To learn more about how you can participate in this year's challenge, click the flyer to the left. Don't forget to check out the raffle prizes!
Are you ready to take the challenge? Awesome! Check out the commitment forms below!
Credential Support
Are you looking for support around applying for your credential or creating a professional development plan? Take a look at some of the upcoming professional development opportunities!
Got Questions About the Revised Credentialing System?
Do you have questions about the Revised Credentialing System? Join Annmarie Censullo, Credentialing Specialist, BCDHSC, to learn more about new changes and updates. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions. To learn more, click on the flyer to the right or the button below, and don't forget to check out the FAQ's.
Early Childhood Collaborative: Preschool Programming and Curriculum
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Early Childhood Collaborative: Exploring Social Emotional Topics
Date: Monday, December 19, 2022
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Training Information
Core Knowledge Areas: Developing as a Professional and Observing, Documenting & Assessing
Trainers: Annmarie Censullo, Credentialing Specialist, BCDHSC
Training is online and pre-registration is required.
Environment Rating Scales (ERS)
Surviving or Thriving the Environment Rating Scales Process
Going through the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Process can be intense. There are so many pieces to consider, and then when you factor in just the everyday stressors of working in child care, it can make it even more overwhelming and feel like you are "just surviving" the ERS process.
How can you shift from merely surviving to thriving? Check out these tips!
- Keep your goals in focus: it's not just about achieving a high score, but about improving the lives and educational experiences of the children every day.
- The road to quality will present challenges.
- Each person at the facility needs to accept responsibility for a part of quality and see how their part fits into the whole.
- Thriving requires perseverance.
When going through the ERS process, it is important to remember your "why" and ask for help when you need it. To check out more tips on thriving, not just surviving the ERS process, click the button below.
Join us for any of our upcoming Intro and Overview of Environment Rating Scales opportunities or apply to participate in the Environment Rating Scales Progressive Training Program.
Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, will be offering ERS trainings throughout the 2022-2023 Training Calendar Year. There are both evening and afternoon options for Intro and Overview of the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) sessions for providers to choose from. Click on the flyer or the button below for more information.
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Trainer: CCAoNH Staff
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022
Time: 12:30-2:00 PM
Trainer: CCAoNH Staff
Response Strategies When Families Share Hard Things
The day is winding down and there are only a few more children waiting to be picked up. Johnny's mother comes into the classroom and approaches you, asking to speak somewhere privately. You step out of the room and notice that she has tears in her eyes and tells you she lost her job a while back and has been unsuccessful in finding a new one. The bills have been piling up, and now the family is at risk of being evicted from their home.
How do you respond?
Sometimes we can prepare for difficult conversations, and sometimes that's just not a possibility. Families can share hard things at any given time. It can be a challenge knowing what to say and how to respond at that moment.
The next time you are faced with unexpected news from families, try some of these strategies:
- Push the pause button, take a breath, and think about what was said
- Acknowledge what was said
- Ask questions to clarify the next steps the family would like to take
You may not be able to prepare for what families are going to say, but you can keep some response strategies in your back pocket to know how to respond in the moment. Click the button below for more tips and suggestions.
If you have questions about exploring the Pyramid Model Framework reach out to Joan Izen at joan.izen@gmail.com.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this email was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.