Here we are in the home-stretch of the 2021-22 fiscal year. Many of us are back working from our homes, connecting virtually with job seekers who may have young children learning from home again, or with employers who are seriously restricted or closed. After 22 months of instability, my feelings of weariness are surely a normal response?

While this is not my 'usual' happy new year message, it felt important to acknowledge that we are all likely feeling a wide range of emotions related to the current state of the pandemic. Sigh...

Despite all of this, Q3 has ended and we have launched into Q4.

If you consider that the average duration in service is usually over 3 months, it stands to reason that you now have almost everyone in your 'hopper' that will count towards this year's performance. Ideally, the people you open in January, February and March will be roll-overs into next fiscal, making sure you start next year strong. However, some of you will be tempted by the 'year-end dump' - closing new files quickly this quarter to meet targets, while transferring the deficit into next year.

Having all of your staff understand how their practice 'shows-up' in the reports informs the decisions they make everyday. Exploring the risks as you enter Q4 helps you make strategic decisions towards year-end. Join me as we review the Q3 results - sign up for the Q3 Data review today, and let's figure this out together.
Sarah Delicate
Join Sarah for an intensive review of these three essential CaMS reports for Q3 2021-2022. Sarah will explore performance strengths and weaknesses, show you the critical indicators to review, and provide tips for planning the rest of this fiscal year's performance. Register today at these links:

Can't make the date? Register, and we will send you the recording. 

Cost: $350.00 + HST=$395.50. Contact to register a group rate of $999 + HST for up to 5 registration links.
Are you meeting your Employment Services contracted outcomes?

Achieving the contracted outcomes of Employment Services is not an easy task in any given year, let alone achieving outcomes in the world of COVID-19. Nothing that we do is 'neutral'.
In her 6-part series: Engineering Your Service Delivery to Achieve Outcomes, Sarah Delicate explores the best practices in service delivery, aligning practice to the various core measures that you need to achieve. Sarah breaks down what needs to be achieved, and then provides you with evidence-based, practical solutions to help you engineer your service delivery to achieve outcomes. 

Available for: ES, LBS or YJC

Cost: $499 + HST = $563.87 per person or contact to register for a group rate of $1550 + HST for up to 5 registration links.
Hey Employment Services Managers! What is your plan for this year?

Do you have new managers? New staff? I know you have a new operating model as some continue to use virtual services to maintain contact.

You can only meet your performance targets if your staff achieve their performance targets and staff can only achieve their targets if they are crystal clear on what those targets are! When it comes to your agency's performance, the math is simple... you are the sum of your parts.

This three-part on-demand training is CRITICAL for new managers, new teams or for agencies that want to stay in front of their ES performance this year. This training is essential for ALL ES managers.

Cost: $399 + HST = $450.87 or contact to register for a group rate of $1197 + HST for up to 5 people registration links, .

Angela Hoyt, CEO
Evolution Group
Join Angela Hoyt for her upcoming webinar, Job Developing with Certainty in a World of Uncertainty, on February 8 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT.

COVID continues to challenge many employers as they deal with the uncertainly of opening and closing, and losing and urgently hiring staff. That's where you come in! You and your nimble employment services are needed now, more than ever, to help employers navigate these uncertain times. This webinar will cover the practical "now steps" to take to re-activate employer relationships and land jobs for your active job seekers.

Cost: $49/participant, discounted for 5 or more.
You may also want to check out Angela's full suite of on-demand training to increase employment outcomes for all job seekers, including those with employment barriers.

Our job development strategies have stood the test of time in boom and bust economies...and, yes, even pandemics.

Sarah Delicate, BBMD Consulting Inc.
Angela Hoyt, Director
Evolution Group
Delicate & Associates |