Volume 2 | 2021 | April
QQA Chronicle, 2nd Quarter, 2021
In This Edition:
  • May Day Baskets! Get Yours Now!
  • QQA Chronicle Digital Archive
  • Advocacy
  • Education & Events
May Day Baskets!
QQA Revives a Lost Tradition with May Day Baskets
Celebrating May Day goes back thousands of years to Roman times. The most common May Day tradition in the United States was the creation of May Day baskets – filled with snacks and flowers – that were left on the porches of friends, relatives, and potential romantic partners.

The QQA is reviving this tradition with their own version of May Day Baskets, just in time for Spring 2021.

The sale benefits QQA operations, and helps celebrate 501 Day, a new local holiday created by the Downtown Little Rock Partnership.

You can purchase two styles of baskets – an Adults' basket (with flower seeds, flowers, and herbs) or a Kids’ basket (filled with flowers, toys, chalk, bubbles and other kid-friendly items). Adult baskets are $30.00, and Kids' baskets are $25.00. Delivery is $5.00.

Baskets can be picked up on April 30 at Curran Hall from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and on Saturday May 1 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Baskets will be delivered on May 1 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Delivery is only available for addresses within a 15 mile radius of Curran Hall at 615 E. Capitol Ave, Little Rock, AR 72202.

Questions? Call us at 501-371-0075 ext. 3 or email [email protected]
QQA Digitizes Past Chronicle Publications
QQA uses DAH Grant to Digitize Newsletter Archives
In 2020, the QQA won a grant from the Arkansas Heritage, a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism, to digitally archive back issues of The QQA Chronicle. After it started publication in 1970, The QQA Chronicle was more like a neighborhood newspaper focused on historic preservation than a historic preservation publication.

The Chronicle not only included stories about houses in historic districts, renovations, and other preservation-related issues but also information about local events, highlights of neighborhood goings-on, advertisements, and QQA information. Until the late 1990s, the publication continued as a four to eight page tabloid and employed a full staff of volunteer and paid writers, editors, and photographers. 

In 2006, The QQA Chronicle switched to a digital newsletter format. Until now, the only way to see old issues of the Chronicle was to come to the office and dig through the files.

The Arkansas Heritage grant allowed the QQA to afford digitization services from Advantage Archives, who scanned all the back issues we have on hand and created a searchable website that allows our members and the community to search the Chronicle using keywords. Users can also download articles and images from the archive directly.

"We are excited to share this amazing resource and appreciate the support of Arkansas Heritage to make this a reality," said Patricia Blick, QQA Executive Director.

You can find the archive on our website, or by clicking on the button below.
Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Preserve Arkansas and the Quapaw Quarter Association are working with Rep. Joe Jett and Sen. Jonathan Dismang to improve the Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit with legislation introduced in February. HB1555 would increase the annual State HTC cap from $4 million to $10 million per fiscal year.

This bill would also extend the HTC program sunset from 2027 to 2037 and allow the Division of Arkansas Heritage to use fees collected by the Division under the Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Income Tax Credit Act to support personnel who administer the program.

Arkansas historic rehabilitation projects have depleted the annual allocation of $4 million in State Historic Tax Credits the past two fiscal years. In fact, the full allocation of $4 million was used up on the first day of FY21, and projects are waiting for the FY22 allocation. There is a demonstrated need to increase the annual cap.

The State Historic Tax Credit is an important financial incentive for the rehabilitation of our historic buildings. It leverages private investment, creates jobs, enhances communities, and preserves our heritage.

In addition to Arkansas's statewide network of downtown revitalization organizations, the Arkansas Municipal League, Association of Arkansas Counties, and Arkansas Realtors Association support this legislation.
The House Revenue and Tax Committee held the first hearing on HB1555 on March 30, 2021. The Committee will soon decide which tax credit bills will move on to the House for a vote then on to the Senate Revenue and Tax Committee. QQA's Patricia Blick testified in support of the bill along with Rachel Patton of Preserve Arkansas and Secretary of Parks, Heritage and Tourism, Stacy Hurst.
National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week
In early March the QQA participated in National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week with partners from throughout the state. QQA Board President Molly McNulty and QQA Executive Director Patricia Blick had the opportunity to meet with our delegation, virtually, to brief the members and their staff on historic preservation efforts in greater Little Rock as well as the benefits derived from the Historic Preservation Fund and the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit. We look forward to visiting with our members of congress when they are in Little Rock.
Education & Events
Upcoming 2021 Events
As more and more people are getting vaccinated against Covid-19, the QQA has decided to bring back our in-person events during the later half of 2021! We will still observe social distancing, capacity, and masking requirements as suggested by the CDC. Email [email protected] if you want more information on our safety guidelines.
City Garden: Beer & Ice Cream Family Social
Join the QQA together with Stone's Throw Brewery and Loblolly Creamery to celebrate the end of summer at our City Garden: Beer and Ice Cream Family Social on August 29, 2021 at Curran Hall. This event will feature George Brothers' Historic Arkansas Ale from 1841. The George brothers were German brewers in early Little Rock. This event will also feature a special ice cream flavor just for this event! Save the date and keep an eye out for more information!
QQA Tour of Homes
We're Back! The QQA Tour of Homes featuring the Pettaway Neighborhood is scheduled for October 2-3, 2021. We'll update with more information as we get closer to the event.
Membership Meeting & Greater Little Rock Preservation Awards
The annual QQA Membership Meeting & Greater Little Rock Preservation Awards is scheduled for November 3, 2021. We'll send more information as the event date gets closer.
Holiday Social
Join the QQA as we visit three houses in the Governor's Mansion District for drinks, snacks, and holiday fun on December 4, 2021. Keep an eye out for more information.
Upcoming Preservation Conversations
April 8: Archeology in Your Backyard: Discoveries at the Doty-McAlpine House by Andrew Beaupré, PhD

Join the QQA for a webinar discussion about jobs in historic preservation with Dr. Andrew Beaupré.

Time: 6:00 pm, via Zoom and YouTube Live
May 13: Homes of Architects in Greater Little Rock by Mason Toms

Join the QQA on a Zoom Webinar and YouTube Live broadcast as we discuss the homes of architects in the Little Rock area. 

Time: 6:00 pm, via Zoom and YouTube Live.
June 10: Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Florists and Nurserymen by Sarah Vestal, PhD.

Join the QQA as we discuss Vestal Nursery, which operated in the Baring Cross neighborhood of North Little Rock for over 100 years. According to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, Vestal Nursery "cultivated and shipped flowers across the United States. By the mid-twentieth century, it had one of the largest greenhouse spaces in the United States."

Time: 6:00 pm, via Zoom and YouTube Live.
QQA Board Adopts
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The QQA Board of Directors adopted a Diversity & Inclusion statement during its February 2021 board meeting. The statement reads:

The QQA does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, ethnic heritage, citizenship, religion, physical or mental ability, appearance, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. We are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization in our membership, partnerships, governance, advocacy efforts, programming, and outreach.