Quail and Trail and Food, Oh My!
We first featured Planet Subaru’s eco-friendly efforts in 2016. Goatscaping showed us helping the environment can be fun…and furry. A showroom powered by the sun demonstrated Planet's commitment to renewable energy.

Three recent additions to the retailer's 10-acre campus prove Planet isn't slowing down. Read about the projects and their impact on recreation, food supply, natural habitats, and education.
Planet's green team raised 300 quail and released them into the dealership’s wildlife habitat. Quail are threatened throughout New England by habitat loss but are thriving at the dealership.

Congrats to Planet Subaru for being named one of three national runners up when the first phase of this project was featured in a March 2019 Love Promise Story .
More than 40 mature fruit trees, along with vines and edible flowers, make up Planet's food forest. It is tended by students at a local school, and the harvest is shared with nearby food banks.
Ruby Trail, an on-site nature trail, was designed by Planet Service Specialist Mark Negron. It is enjoyed by employees and local residents, as well as customers waiting for vehicle service. Features include a rain garden, many wildlife species, and two colonial-era stone walls.
Don't just wait herebike!
We love this recent eco-friendly social post. Sommers Subaru not only offers loaner bikes to service customers, they offer a list of things to do and see within biking distance.
Eco-Friendly Table Drapes Available
Would you like a chance to win a free 6’ or 8’ Eco-Friendly table drape for your next green event? Retailers that email Chuck Golden with a photo by 5 p.m. EST Friday, Oct. 4, will be entered in a drawing to win. The photo must show your store’s green team doing something eco-friendly.

A limited number of drapes are also available for sale. The cost is $150, and 6' and 8' lengths are available. Click here to view the full design. Contact Megan Fleck to order.
Who's Going Green?
Who else is displaying that Eco-Friendly Retailer trophy? Check this list to see certified retailers near you.
Chuck Golden
Green Dealer Support