Meet the Quality Improvement Committee for 2022-2023

AAAHC- Chapter 5

Quality Management and Improvement

"In striving to improve the quality of care and to promote more effective and efficient use of facilities and services, an accreditable organization maintains a quality management and improvement program that links peer review, quality improvement activities, infection prevention and safety, and risk management in an organized, systematic way." AAAHC (July 2021) AAAHC-Accreditation Handbook for Ambulatory Health Care. v41. 

Chapter 5-Quality Management and Improvement is divided into 2 subchapters: 

Subchapter I-Quality Improvement Program

Subchapter II-Risk Management 

How does SHS measure up????

The Quality Improvement in Ambulatory Care Toolkit provides a quick assessment.  You can use the link to see how we measure up.  

PowerDMS contains a digital copy of the standards handbook and the assessment tool that AAAHC surveyors will utilize to review our organization's compliance. We, SHS, are responsible for providing the supporting documentation for compliance of 19 of 25 chapters within the Accreditation Handbook.

Lets make it a point to secure health information!!!

HIPAA Reminders:

  • Lock your workstation (computer) before walking away.
  • Dispose of PHI (protected health information) in the locked shred bin only.
  • Do not respond to or send emails that contain PHI or sensitive information such as patient identifiers.
  • Do not access your own health record through PnC, utilize MyHeathSpace.
  • Only break the glass on special charts that are within your job duties.
  • Medical Records is the only area that should process medical records requests.
  • Look before you click! If you suspect a phishing email, do not forward it. Take a screen shot and send a separate email to
  • Do not discuss patients or patient care in open areas. Front desk personnel should use caution and speak in a low tone when discussing referrals, medication, appointment needs etc.  


SHS Satisfaction Survey Spring 2022 Overview and Comments


Not only do I receive great care and treatment but the staff is so friendly and helpful and always makes me feel so comfortable.



I felt like they genuinely cared that I knew all the information about my diagnosis and made sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with me.


Sports Med:

I appreciated the timeliness of the visit as well as the in depth explanations of the exercises and experiences I was having.

Physical Therapy:

My provider was amazing and always listened to my concerns and was flexible with what I was comfortable with. She is an incredible PT I will be recommending to others.


My provider has been incredibly thoughtful in every part of my treatment big or small. I did not have high expectations visiting the center, but she has provided helpful reflection, validation, planning, and key takeaways for managing a very scary time of my life.


My provider is excellent. Their ability to diagnose my symptoms, talk through the various options, and prescribe a successful medication made what I expected to be an arduous and long-winded process, painless.

Primary Care:

AMAZING experience!! So knowledgeable and used the opportunity to teach!


My provider was very sweet and listened to everything I had to say. She understood what I expressed concern about and referred me to other resources.


Very friendly, communicated well....acknowledged our presence right away and politely let

us know she would be with us in a moment. Service was quick and very professional!


The people were very nice, which made me feel welcome and comfortable. Seemed like

they cared for my well-being.

Your kindness, compassion, and great service does not go unnoticed by our patients, staff, and Leadership!! Thank you!!

What to Expect Next Issue:

Survey Comments

AAAHC Accreditation Reminders

QI Initiative updates

We are pleased to assist with and listen to any ideas related to quality improvement in your areas. So, please contact Eric Tyler @ 803-576-5635 or 

You can submit any QI proposals, study updates, or activity updates to