Fulcrum Heath and Medica Health Plan Solutions (MHPS) payor relationship expires as of December 31, 2024, and Fulcrum will no longer be managing the chiropractic provider network for Medica.
Please submit all claims for 2024 dates of service in a timely manner to Fulcrum as claims received after June 30, 2025, will no longer be accepted.
For dates of service January 1, 2025, and after, claims should not be submitted to Fulcrum Health, Inc. MHPS employer groups will be migrating to OptumHealth Physical Health (OPH). Please refer to the Member ID card for claim submission instructions to OPH. Please contact complementarynetwork@medica.com with questions you have regarding the transition.
We appreciate your participation in the Fulcrum Health network and if you have any questions, contact Fulcrum at providerservices@fulcrumhealthinc.org or (877) 886-4941.