QualityCounts.com Newsletter of April 19, 2017  
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Magnesium could prevent fractures, say researchers  - Science Daily, 4/12/17 -  "Bone fractures are one of the leading causes of disability and ill health especially among the aging population and this increases the burden on the health care system. It is well-known that calcium and vitamin D play an important role in bone health. Magnesium is an essential nutrient and is an important component of the bone ... The risk of having a fracture was reduced by 44 per cent in men with higher blood levels of magnesium. None of the 22 men who had very high magnesium levels (> 2.3 mg/dl) in the study population experienced a fracture during the follow-up period"  - See   Magtein at Amazon.com .  I take two with each meal.

Magtein Source Naturals, Inc. 180 Caps (667 MG)
by Threshold Enterprises
Health and Beauty ~ Release Date: 2015-11-19
List Price: $40.73
Our Price: $37.91
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Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study - Nutrients. 2017 Apr 13;9(4) -  "Low baseline 25(OH)D may contribute to muscle strength decline in the very old and particularly in men" - See  vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Joint Association of Low Vitamin D and Vitamin K Status With Blood Pressure and Hypertension  - Hypertension. 2017 Apr 10 -  "The combination of low vitamin D and K status was associated with increased blood pressure and a trend for greater hypertension risk" - See  vitamin D at Amazon.com and  MK-7 at Amazon.com.

Impact of 3-Monthly Vitamin D Supplementation Plus Exercise on Survival after Surgery for Osteoporotic Hip Fracture in Adult Patients over 50 Years: A Pragmatic Randomized, Partially Blinded, Controlled Trial - J Nutr Health Aging. 2017;21(4):413-420 -  "Patients were randomized to receive either 3-monthly oral doses of 3 mg calcifediol (Hidroferol Choque®) or placebo in the 12 months postsurgery. Patients who received calcifediol were also given an exercise programme. The placebo group received standard health recommendations only ... At 4 years after surgery, 20 (22.7%) had died, 3 (3.4%) from the intervention group and 17 (19.3%) from the non-intervention group ... 3-monthly, oral supplements of 3 mg calcifediol plus daily exercise improved survival at one-year and four-year follow up after surgery for an osteoporotic hip fracture" - See  vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Jarrow Formulas Vitamin D3, Supports Calcium and Bone Metabolism, 5000 IU, 100 Softgels
by Jarrow Formulas
Health and Beauty ~ Release Date: 2010-05-07
List Price: $7.55
Our Price: $6.56
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Jarrow Formulas MK-7 90 mcg, 60 Count
by Jarrow Formulas
Health and Beauty ~ Release Date: 2008-02-08
List Price: $23.95
Our Price: Too low to display
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