Portland, Oregon  May 16-18

Booth# 1040

April 2011

QuanTEM Chronicle

An informative Newsletter for Environmental Professionals

Message from John Barnett, President 

John Barnett, President
John Barnett, President.

Next month we visit the AIHce show and conference in beautiful Portland OR. It's always a joy to get the chance to catch up with old friends ad make a few new ones. Due to the size of this conference it's hard to have time to talk with everyone as much as we would like, so do me a favor.

I'll most likely be tied up in our booth (1040) the majority of the time so make a point of stopping by, Jeff and Scott will be there also, assuming Scott makes it back from Hawaii on time.

This show is important to us as we have some new things to offer and it's one of the few times we can actually meet face to face. I know there is a lot to look through but if you pass up all the other labs it'll cut your time in half.

We'll see you in Portland. Travel Safe.




John Barnett,
President, QuanTEM Laboratories, LLC

 Oklahoma City Invaded by Bedbugs

Tenants claim complex won't touch bedbug issue

 Posted by KFOR News on April 18, 2011

 Retreived online from on April 20, 2011


OKLAHOMA CITY -- Residents in one southwest Oklahoma City apartment complex say they're fed up with bed bugs. It's a problem that really started growing last year, according to local health officials.

"They bite you," says Tony Upton. "It's very irritating. I mean, you just sit there and want to pull your hair out."Bed bugs feed on human blood.

Common Bed Bug

Neighbor after neighbor showed us bites on their hands, arms and legs.

Travis Morgan says he moved out because the problem was so bad.
"Because a lot of times, you couldn't sleep at night," he says, "Because you cut your light out, then you turn the light back on, they're all over you."

Resident Larry Tillman says he sprays the bugs with bleach just to get some rest.

"I spray it all around where I sleep," he says, "Every other hour, I have to get up and spray again because they eat you up."

All the residents say the apartment manager, who did not return our calls, told them they're responsible for treating bug infestations.
However, Oklahoma City municipal code says it's the landlord's responsibility.

The Oklahoma City-County Health Department can issue a fine of $250 for non compliance on each incident, following an investigation.



Bed Bug- Relative Size

Health officials say it's important for tenants who are named on the lease to file a signed complaint with the landlord in writing.
They can then file a complaint with the Oklahoma City-County Health Department.


Apartment owners are told it's more costly to do nothing.

"It's the bad publicity and people moving out of the apartments and what he's going to lose in income from rent because of the problem," says Senior Environmental Specialist Jimmy Hahn.

"I explain to them what these things can do and how fast they can multiply," says Environmental Technician Carmen Moreno. "They can very easily transfer to other rooms through the electrical cords and the walls."



Bed Bug Bites

In three visits to that apartment complex, inspectors could not confirm the existence of bed bugs.


They say the manager has not returned their recent calls.
Officials say fleas are often mistaken for bed bugs, but landlords are responsible for treating those as well.






In This Issue
Oklahoma City Invaded by Bedbugs
Nine die in Alabama during bacteria outbreak
Survey Reveals More Employers Measuring Savings from Environmental Efforts
Two Companies Fined by EPA for failure to distrubute Lead Safety Pamphlets

Editors Note

Business Development Director,
QuanTEM Laboratories
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*24-Hr Turnaround
AHERA Method
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Nine die in Alabama during bacteria outbreak

By Peggy Gargis- Wed Mar 30, 11:19 am ET

Retreived online on 19 April 2011 from


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (Reuters) - Nine patients in Alabama have died after receiving intravenous nutrition that authorities say was contaminated, but it was unclear whether the bacteria contributed to the deaths.


Alabama authorities said they were investigating an outbreak of Serratia marcescens bacteremia, a bacterial infection in the blood, in 19 patients at six hospitals in the state who all received total parenteral nutrition (TPN). 

Serratia marcescens bacteraemia


TPN is a nutritional solution fed to patients by injection.


"Of the 19 that received the substance, nine of those are no longer living ... These were very fragile individuals and it's not clear whether the bacteria contributed to their deaths," said Dr. Jim McVay, a senior official with the Alabama Department of Public Health.


Authorities identified bacteria first in the patients and then ran cultures on the TPN, he said.

"TPN is liquid nutrition fed through an IV using a catheter. Use of contaminated products may lead to bacterial infection of the blood," said a department statement.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is helping with an investigation, the department said.



"CDC's initial investigation identified TPN produced by a single pharmacy, Meds IV, as a potential common source and has determined that these hospitals received TPN from this pharmacy," the department said in a statement.  READ MORE. 

Survey Reveals More Employers Measuring Savings from Environmental Efforts
Seventy-Eight percent report electricity cost savings, two-thirds indicate heating/cooling & paper savings and 60% are cutting costs on water.

Retreived online April 20, 2011 from Environmental Protection E-News

By:  Buck Consultants, April 15, 2011


American businesses are measuring the savings from their green workplace practices more than ever, according to a new survey released by Buck Consultants, a Xerox Company.


Buck's third annual survey, "Greening of the American Workplace," revealed that 60 percent of organizations are measuring their cost savings from green programs, up from 39 percent last year - an increase of 54 percent. The complete survey is available for a fee.


Survey respondents noted that the savings are widespread throughout the workplace. Seventy-eight percent report electricity cost savings, two-thirds indicate heating/cooling and paper savings, and 60 percent are cutting costs on water.


Overall, 69 percent of survey respondents have green programs in place, an increase from 53 percent last year.


Among the organizations that have a formal green program, the most common practices are:


Recycling and paper reduction (97 percent)

Web and/or teleconferencing (95 percent)

Healthy living and wellness (85 percent)

Internal green communication programs (81 percent)

Light sensors (75 percent)


"Nearly six in 10 respondents indicate the recession had no impact on their green workplace initiatives while 19 percent actually expanded green programs during the economic downturn," said Allison Artnak, director at Buck Consultants.  READ MORE.


Two Companies Fined by EPA for failure to distrubute Lead Safety Pamphlets

Apr 5th, 2011 | By DWM Mag | Category: Featured Content .


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has levied a civil penalty of $19,529 on Window World of St. Louis Inc. for charges that it failed to notify owners and occupants of at least 20 St. Louis area residential properties built before 1978 of lead-based paint risks prior to performing renovation work at those locations, according to an administrative consent agreement filed by EPA Region 7 in Kansas City, Kan.

According to this statement from the EPA, the window replacement company was legally required to provide owners and residents of the properties with an EPA-approved lead hazard information pamphlet before starting renovations at the properties as part of the requirements of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act passed in 1992.

As part of its settlement with EPA, and in addition to paying the civil penalty, Window World of St. Louis has agreed to perform a supplemental environmental project, according to the statement. The company will spend an estimated $20,048 to replace a total of 73 old windows contaminated with lead paint at three group home facilities operated by the non-profit social services organization Youth in Need.

Jim Lomax, co-owner of Window World of St. Louis, told DWM magazine that the company "takes the issue of lead safety very seriously, and that all of its installers are EPA lead-safe certified."

QuanTEM Chronicle Newsletter
Produced & Edited by
Scott Leavell, Business Development Director 
Suggestions or comments?  Email me here.

Any publication included in this News Letter and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of QuanTEM Laboratories, LLC but remain solely those of the author(s). Such publications have been included only for ease of reference and academic purposes.
QuanTEM Labortories, LLC
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