In the workplace, it is easy to see other women as competition and I used to feel that way. I would compare myself to others and strive to be the “best.” However, I came to realize that I perform my best when I collaborate, learn, and grow alongside other women around me. That’s when the real magic happens. There is one colleague for me who really changed my perspective. I looked for things I could learn from her and began to emulate how hard she works and communicates in tricky situations. This change in perspective helped shape our relationship. She has now become a mentor and someone that I am honored to have the privilege of calling a friend. I am a better person and teammate because of her.
This article from the Harvard Business Review shares Anne Welsh McNulty experience with working with women in corporate America and the challenges 
“Some senior-level women tend to distance themselves from junior women, often to be more accepted by their male peers. Trying to separate oneself from a marginalized group is, sadly, a strategy that’s frequently employed. It’s easy to believe that there’s limited space for people who look like you at the top when you can see it with your own eyes. So, what are women in the workplace to do, when research shows that we’re penalized for trying to lift each other up? The antidote to being penalized for sponsoring women may just be to do it more — and to do it vocally, loudly, and proudly — until perceptions change. There are massive benefits for the individual and the organization when women support each other. It reduces the feeling of competition for an imaginary quota at the top. It helps other women realize, “Oh, it’s not just me” – a revelation that can change the course of a women’s career. It’s also an indispensable way of identifying bad actors and systemic problems within the company.”