Growing up I learned about many different races and cultures, but only the tiniest bits... and even less about African American history, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcom X.

There are so many more great contributors to American History to learn about. As it relates to my life now, in the banking industry, I find the history of African Americans in banking a whole new world of history I never knew about. As bankers, we have a great opportunity to teach a piece of forgotten history. If we don’t learn from the past and listen to each other, we are doomed to remain where we are. 

Blacks in Finance: A Rich History
The role of African Americans’ role in finance dates back to the turn of the century. These early pioneers helped to pave the way with the establishment of black banks, insurance companies, hotels and hair care companies. In fact, Frederick Douglas was made president of the Freedman’s Bank, the first national African American bank, just before its untimely end due to mismanagement from their white board of directors. The 1930s and 1940s brought other firsts, but it would not be until the 1970s that more progress was made. This panel, Blacks in Finance: A Rich History is a moderated discussion hosted by CNBC’s Sharon Epperson that covers this subject through the lives of today’s finance leaders.
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