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This first newsletter of the New Year shares teachings along the theme of “happiness,” including a meaningful article, “A Wish for Happiness.” Our News section features an announcement about those whom Adya has recently asked to teach; news of a newly recorded dialogue between Mukti and Loch Kelly; and information regarding a summit Mukti is speaking at this January.
We are excited to be presenting a 2024 March Weekend Retreat online. More details about this immersive event can be found below.
If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution, we invite you to explore subjects in the Teachings sections of Mukti’s and Adya’s sites, as well as the offerings in our online store that can support your intention. We warmly join you in spirit, as this year unfolds new opportunities, truths, and blessings.
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On this New Year’s Eve, many people the world over will be joining in a chorus of “Happy New Year!” And I imagine just as many are asking how happiness might be revitalized once again. In this new year’s dawning light, I invite you to join me in exploring the nature of happiness, its foundation, and its furtherance. . . .
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2024 March Weekend Retreat
March 1–3
(Registration opens January 15)
This Weekend Online Retreat is designed to mirror the experience of our in-person residential silent retreats. The full three-day program includes daily talks and Q&A sessions with Mukti, along with periods of guided and silent (independent) meditation, and qi gong sessions.
- Dive into fresh teachings from Mukti as head teacher at Open Gate Sangha.
- Spend three full days wholly devoted to spiritual practice.
- Reflect upon and ask your innermost spiritual questions.
- Deepen your meditation practice with multiple daily silent sittings.
- Participate with fellow retreatants from around the world.
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Sunday Community Practice
Sunday Community Practice is an ongoing program that focuses on spiritual practice and how it can be lived in daily life. If you would like to practice meditation on a consistent basis, along with others who are dedicated to making enlightened living a priority in their lives, please join us on Sunday mornings.
Try out a single session or join as a monthly subscriber. Each practice is two hours and includes a guided meditation and a talk. Join Mukti as she leads these twice-a-month practices. (Adya often joins in meditation!)
Scholarships are available for monthly subscriptions.
Jan 14 & 28 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
Feb 11 & 25 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
Mar 10 & 24 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
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Live Broadcasts with Mukti |
Wed, Feb 7 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Wed, Mar 20 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Go to Mukti’s Broadcast Page or YouTube to watch these complimentary broadcasts. Replays will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
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Prerecorded Broadcasts with Adya |
Wed, Jan 24 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Wed, Feb 21 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Wed, Mar 6 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Go to Adya’s Broadcast Page or YouTube to watch these complimentary broadcasts. Replays will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
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YouTube Channel Membership |
Membership Programs on Adya’s YouTube channel allow us to make available a large selection of full-length video teachings and guided meditations not previously accessible other than by purchasing them in our online store. Members-only content includes contemporary and classic videos, with new content added every week.
- Basic Membership: $4.99/month
- Membership Plus: $9.99/month
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The Stream on Adyashanti.org |
The Stream on Adyashanti.org is an easy way for you to select and listen to full-length streaming audio recordings of single talks or broadcasts by Adya for a full month, so that you can delve deeper into teachings of your choice.
A free Bonus Talk by Mukti is available as well!
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New Featured Audio Downloads | |
Complimentary Audio Download | |
So many of us live in the paradigm of trying to get things right. We frequently reflect on situations and think, “I should have done that or said this!” In this talk, Mukti shows us what it takes to step out of a self-controlling, self-critical inner swirl and how to move from the obvious knowing that arises from the quietude of our natural being. By functioning from a resonance of clarity, we discover a peace of mind that is at rest regardless of situational outcomes or the way life unfolds. | |
New Teaching Video Excerpts | |
Along with the full-length complimentary audio download and new teaching excerpts above, we have curated a collection of Adya’s and Mukti’s teachings with the subject of Happiness. We hope that exploring these will help you meet what is unfolding in your own life. Follow these links: | |
Open Gate Sangha Community News | |
Transmission of the Flame: Over the past decades that Adyashanti has taught, there have been special occasions when he receives clear inner directives to give formal dharma transmission to a student and to ask them to also share the dharma. Over this past year, he’s been moved to hold private dharma transmission ceremonies for three such individuals. . . . Read Full Article
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“Dancing Emptiness,” a new interview with Mukti and Loch Kelly: In this podcast, Mukti and Loch delve into diverse topics and share pointers for awakening, embodiment, and working with emotional energy. Their dialogue also speaks to challenges faced by highly sensitive individuals.They discuss practical approaches to accessing and living from the dynamic nature of awareness and its transformative power. Listen to this discussion and others on Mukti’s Interviews page.
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Discovering Self Summit: Join Mukti and others January 5–7 online. The weekend will have live collective meditation and empowerment sessions, dynamic perspective changing conversations, insight talks (pre-recorded) followed by live integration, group breakout sessions, and enlivening practices to implement in your life. More info.
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Donations: Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation to Open Gate Sangha. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. We offer a recurring monthly donation service for your convenience. | |
In-Person Programs: Although we do not have any in-person programs to announce just yet, please stay tuned. When Mukti adds an in-person program, it will be announced via email and published on the calendar page of our website. | | |
Gatherings: Adya’s and Mukti’s teachings are shared globally in Gatherings which meet in locations or online around the world. Search our listings to find a group that meets in person at a location near you, or meets online via Zoom, or both. | |
Mukti, whose name is translated as “liberation,” is the Head Teacher and Executive Director of Open Gate Sangha. Her talks point audiences back to their natural state of wholeness or undivided consciousness. For teaching excerpts, audio downloads and CDs, qi gong videos, and a calendar of Mukti’s programs, visit her website.
If you are new to Mukti, we invite you to watch an inspiring full talk: Holy Ground (1:30:16)
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Adyashanti, author of The Direct Way, Sacred Inquiry, The Way of Liberation and The End of Your World, is an American-born spiritual teacher who has served the awakening of all beings for 27 years. Although recently retired in the Fall of 2023, his teachings continue to be an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence.
New to Adyashanti? Here’s a complimentary download of his 53-page book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
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About Unsubscribing or Forwarding Emails: If you click “Unsubscribe” at the end of any email from opengatesangha.org, you will not be able to receive any emails regarding either Adyashanti’s or Mukti’s programs (even if you are registered for a program). Also, if you forward any email to someone else and they click on “Unsubscribe” at the end of the email, they will be unsubscribing your email address.
Participants understand that all programs hosted by Open Gate Sangha will be recorded for use by Open Gate Sangha, Inc. Open Gate Sangha makes no representations or warranties as to any benefit that may be received by attending a program.
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Open Gate Sangha provides access to the teachings of Adyashanti® and Mukti.
Copyright © 2023 Open Gate Sangha. All rights reserved.
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