January 27, 2020
Quarterly Mid-Carolina Planners Meetings
As part of our efforts to foster and promote regional collaboration among all local governments in Cumberland, Harnett, and Sampson Counties and based on input from some of the region's leaders, we are considering coordinating quarterly Planners Meetings.

Please respond to the three-question poll below and let us know your interest in participating along with your general preferences in relation to meeting dates. You may EMAIL Justin if you have detailed thoughts to share.

Please share this with staff in your organization that might be interested, but may not be on our distribution list.
Do you have interest in attending Quarterly Planners Meetings?
Would meetings immediately following Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meetings work for you?
Or, would another time work best for you?

CLICK HERE  to join our mailing list.
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is a multi-county, planning, development, and human services organization. We reach across county and municipal borders to provide technical assistance to our local governments and to administer programs that benefit our region’s citizens.

Our mission is to provide creative regional solutions to relevant and emerging issues in Cumberland, Harnett, and Sampson Counites while providing a standard of excellence in the delivery of federal, state, and regional services for our communities.