Blessings this day when we celebrate Juneteenth--Emancipation Day--marking the date when enslaved Africans in Texas learned the Civil War was over, and that they were finally free.
This week we also celebrate Solstice time and will have a special quarterly zoom gathering tonight for IPL. The hour long event begins with a Juneteenth reflection, some thoughts on the Doctrine of Discovery and the recent Vatican announcement, sharing of personal thoughts and experiences and invitation for action by one of our indigenous groups. Finally we will have a brief overview of what IPL is working on and also seek any suggestions from you. See information for logging on below and several other Solstice events this week.
Freedom is a right for everyone and every being,
Monday, June 19, 6:30 pm
IPL Solstice Seasonal Sharing
Via Zoom and please register--all are welcome
Our Solstice Seasonal Sharing will begin with brief overview reflections from Joan Brown, osf, Executive Director of NM & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light around De-colonization and Eco-Spirituality. She will offer some thoughts on the recent Vatican statement on the Doctrine of Discovery, reflections from some contemporary theologians and ideas to reflect upon as we seek to heal past racial, cultural and spiritual wrongs. There will be opportunity for sharing, ideas, and resources to pursue.
The last quarter of the hour gathering will allow for time to overview the current work of IPL and how you might get engaged or invite others into this sacred work.
Wednesday, June 21 12 pm MST
Summer Solstice webinar on solar financing for congregations
Mark your calendars, and register here.
Join us for IPL’s annual Summer Solstice webinar on June 21 to learn about solar financing for congregations featuring the solar financing nonprofit, RE-volv, including a sneak peak at how the new government bonuses will likely be distributed to congregations going solar. Jerry Bernstein, author of IPL’s Solar Financing for Congregations will look at options for financing. Andreas Karelas, Executive Director of RE-volv, will explain how these agreements benefit a congregation and why they are still a good idea, even with the new government support for nonprofits to go solar and will offer a sneak peak at how the new government bonuses will likely be distributed to congregations going solar.
Wed, June 21, 6:30pm
Free film "The Letter" following a salad potluck at 6:00pm.
All are invited contact Donna Detweiler at 505-249-1713 for questions
Albuquerque Mennonite Church, 1300 Girard Blvd. NE, ABQ
"The Letter" is a very moving film telling the stories of people of all ages and faith and no faith who receive a letter to come to the Vatican to share with Pope Francis their concerns from around the globe on climate change. It powerfully links immigration concerns and climate change.