Read up on the latest from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 


Thank you for reading updates from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). This issue highlights the latest news, publications and events from March through June 2016. Please enjoy and contact us with any questions or feedback. 

World Bank Group launches action plans on climate change and sustainable forests
On April 7, the World Bank Group released a new  Climate Change Action Plan which sets out a 5-year road map to help countries deliver on their national climate plans.  Sustainable land use and forests are an integral part of reaching these climate change targets. The related World Bank Group  Forest Action Plan, launched on April 6, focuses on two priority areas: investments in sustainable forest management; and “forest-smart” interventions in which the World Bank Group will take a holistic look at forest landscapes.

Forests take center stage at World Bank Group Spring Meetings 

The World Bank Group Spring Meetings included an event on April 14Think Forests: Why Investing in Forests is the Next Big Thing, and an i nvitation-only meeting on Streamlining financing packages for forest landscapes. The meeting was opened by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Bank, and included Ministers of Finance and other high level representatives from 15 countries.

Taking climate action from Paris to the rainforests
On June 22 at CF14 Carbon Fund Participants provisionally approved Emission Reductions Program Documents from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Costa Rica. They are the first countries in the Carbon Fund portfolio and are on track to receive results-based payments from emission reductions achieved. 

Who are the barefoot solar sisters…and how can they help forest communities?
In Kenya, a group of Maasai grandmothers  provide an inspiring example of how simple actions can transform societies and how, when empowered, women can break down barriers between men and women. 

Read about how the FCPF is b ringing women into the design, planning, and implementation of forest and land use efforts promoting both gender equality and smart development policy.

Read more 
Mexico moves ahead with Readiness; Guatemala, Uganda receive additional funding
As part of the FCPF 21st Participants Committee meeting (PC21) from May 3-5 in Washington, DC Mexico's Readiness Package was approved.

Also, the PC allocated funds of $5 million and $3.75 million, respectively, to further support the readiness process in Guatemala and Uganda. 

Regional training and capacity building workshop series on forest monitoring kicks off in Bangkok
The FCPF is delivering a series of regional workshops to "train the trainers" and disseminate  technical forest monitoring learning materials and decision support tools. Four regional one-week workshops are planned in three different regions: one in Asia (in English), one in Latin America (in Spanish) and two in Africa (in French and English). The first of these workshops was held in Bangkok on April 18 – 22, 2016. 

Madagascar begins forest inventory assessment
As part of Madagascar's emission reductions program preparation the National REDD+ Coordination Office of Madagascar (BNCR) initiated intensive field work on forest inventories. This will result in a detailed forest map of the ecoregion and feed into the Reference Emission Level (REL). 

Africa Capacity Building Program grant signed
On May 11 on the sidelines of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, a grant for the second phase of the FCPF Capacity Building Program for Forest-Dependent Peoples and Southern Civil Society Organizations in Africa was signed.

The  Mainyoito Pastoralist Integrated Development Organization  (MPIDO), an indigenous peoples’ organization based in Kenya, is the African regional recipient of the FCPF grant. 

Apply to be an FCPF CSO Observer and vote for your representative 
The selection process for Civil Society Organization (CSO) Observers to the FCPF is underway.

Apply to be a Civil Society Organization (CSO) Observer to the FCPF by Friday, July 15.

Register to vote for a CSO Observer from your region by Tuesday, July 19.

Link for more information

In the news
Upcoming meetings

September 25 - 30, 2016: 22nd Participants Committee Meeting (PC22) and 9th Participants Assembly (PA9), Accra, Ghana, e xact dates to be confirmed

Tentatively December 12 - 15, 2016: 15th Carbon Fund Meeting (CF15)e xact dates and venue to be confirmed

Submission deadlines 

July 15, 2016:  Deadline for PC/Observers to submit comments for virtual MTRs

July 29, 2016: Submission deadline for MTRs and R-Packages to be reviewed at PC22

October 14, 2016: Submission deadline for MTRs to be reviewed virtually

WBG action plans photo credit: Andrea Borgarello for World Bank/TerrAfrica, Spring Meetings event photo credit: Franz Rudolph Mahr, Climate action photo credit: Andrea Borgarello for World Bank/TerrAfrica, Barefoot solar sisters photo credit: Lisa Brunzell / Vi Agroforestry, Mexico R-Package photo credit: CONAFOR,  Regional training photo credits: Rajesh Koiarala, Madagascar inventory assessment photo credit: BNCR, Capacity Building Program photo credit: Syed Abdul Salam, CSO applications photo credit Curt Carnemark for World Bank, In the news photo credit: Franka Brun, Upcoming meetings photo credit: Nina Doetinchem, Submission deadlines photo credit: Pablo Cambronero for World Bank, all other photos courtesy of World Bank, used with permission.