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THANK YOU!   Queer Academy wouldn't be possible without the support of people like you. We are very grateful.  Hope you enjoy our 3rd quarter donor report. I would love to get your feedback if you have a moment.  

Thank you again for all you do to  make our work possible!


Robin (McHaelen)
Executive Director

July - September, 2016
Transformational is the definition of Queer Academy. 

S* came into Queer Academy that first day, with her head down, hair in her eyes and covering her face and speaking in a nearly inaudible voice.  Six weeks later, she was on stage at "Draguation" singing a Capella.  T* started the program as an angry young lesbian struggling on a daily basis with unsupportive group home staff. He left as a confident young trans man who performed his own spoken word piece to a standing ovation that included some members of that same group home staff.  UCONN week

For some folks, summer days are for lazy afternoons, vacations and taking life a little slower.  The summer at True Colors is as busy - or busier - than other times of the year.  Our main event is Queer Academy - a six week intensive summer youth program designed to develop LGBTQ youth personally, professionally and academically.

This year's theme was "Standing at the Intersections of You and Me."  Youth explored the elements of their own identity - beginning to see themselves and each other as intersectional beings. Some recognized for the first time the ways in which one element of their identity (queerness) impacted other elements of their identity (race, ethnicity, family structure, etc.)

They explored their identities through experiential activities, research projects, discussions, films and field trips.  They went to Northampton to learn about the 'queerer' side of Emily Dickinson at the museum dedicated to her.  The visited the Stonewall Bar and learned about the beginning of the LGBTQ rights movement in a way that was inclusive of transgender youth of col Northampton or who helped launch the riots.  They spent time at UCONN learning how to use the library and exploring the cultural centers.   

Presentation of Learning They 'operationalized' their thoughts with art, spoken word, research posters and through a "presentation of learning" where they described their experiences and what they learned to people from the community - donors like you, legislators, family members, clinicians, and even group home staff.    

It was transformational.  And YOU made it possible. Queer Academy has no direct funding source except people like you who donate $5.00, $50.00, $500.00 and in one case, even $5,000. YOU change lives.  And, we are so grateful. 


Fall Happenings


The theater is aptly named for this wild event. Check it out.    GRINDR The Opera  puts the most notorious gay hook-up app into the exaggerated world of opera. With musical styles ranging from baroque to contemporary pop,  GRINDR The Opera  is a daring, humorous look at the changing landscape of gay relationships, and the greatest catalyst for the shift:  GRINDR .

For Tickets:   Gotta Get my Grindr ON!

For more information about the opera:

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