
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

For the last 15 years, the start of basketball season has been a holiday in our household. There is such a high level of anticipation that wasn't exclusive only to me. My wife Emily gets so excited that other family plans are made around game schedules. Even my kids have spent time during art class making countdowns so they can mark off the days until it starts.

The start of basketball season is a joyous festival at the McLeod house, to say the least! 😂

And if I'm really being transparent today, when I was still coaching a team, I would get extremely giddy in anticipation of the first day of practice. It was always such an exciting day as we come together as a group to begin molding and shaping our team as a single unit in preparation for the coming season!

I would be just like a six-year-old that sits wide-eyed in bed on Christmas Eve in the hopes of hearing Dasher and Comet prance across his roof.

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So here's my question for everyone today ...

Are you REALLY ready for the 2021-22 basketball season?

I don't mean "ready" as in excited for the wait to finally be over, but like really ready. Ready for the tough parts of the season. The disappointing losses, the days you don't feel like putting the extra work in, or the frustrating moments that make you question if all the energy is actually worth it.

We've all heard the phrase "stay ready so you don't have to get ready," and I think that applies to the basketball season as much as anything else in life.

With that question in mind, this week I've put together some items for coaches, players, and parents to consider as the new basketball season gets underway. I want each one of you to have your most successful season yet, and I can't wait to hear about how it's all going - both the amazing things and the frustrating ones!

As always, don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do to support and journey with you this season. I'm here to help!


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Players: Thought of the Week

Players: Are You Ready?

Players, NOW is the time for you mentally prepare for the type of season you want to have. Here are four simple (but not always easy) steps to have your most fulfilling year this season.

1. Decide NOW what you want your team's season to look like.

It’s way too often that I meet players who wait until the season has already started to really begin thinking about what they want the year to look like. By that point, it’s too late to decide to be special. That decision needs to be made in advance, so the vision can be cultivated. And once there's a vision, you can begin to implement a plan to accomplish those goals.

Former Dallas Cowboy coach Tom Landry may have said it best: “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.

2. Take responsibility for yourself.

Special teams are made up of special players, and ...

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Coaches: Play of the Week

One thing all great coaches have in common when it comes to preparing for their games is they don't just run sets they like. Instead, they evaluate the strengths of their players and run plays to make them successful.

This week join me as I dive deep into the Golden State Warriors "Cyclone" set. It's a play I broke down on the PGC Basketball YouTube account. Cyclone is a great example of how Steve Kerr uses the strength of one of his players (Steph Curry's shooting) and turns it into a misdirection to get an open look at the rim.

If you have at least one great shooter on your team, this is a set worth adding! ... and if you don't have a great shooter, stop reading this newsletter and send me an email. I need to help you out with that ASAP! 😉

Parents: Video of the Week

As sports parents, we all want to see our children succeed. For myself, and I'm sure the same is true for many of you, sometimes I make mistakes. Ok, I make A LOT of mistakes.

A good friend once sent me this video from Steve Kerr that was put together by the Positive Coaching Alliance. When I watched it, Coach Kerr's words really challenged me to evaluate the best ways I could support my kids, both from the stands and after their games or practices were over.

I believe that being a great sports parent is similar to being a great coach. You have to create a game plan beforehand and be intentional in your execution. Simply put, none of us want to be "that parent" during games, and I hope this video can spark some ideas for you as it did for me!

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