Quick Search for All!
Full Search will Retire November of Next Year

FBS, our FlexMLS software vendor, has announced they will retire the Full Search module in late November 2020. Full Search is being discontinued to accommodate shifts in technology and redeploy resources to make existing and new products more successful.

We at the Metro MLS understand that this announcement may be unwelcome news to you. Our main goal is to make this transition for our members as smooth as possible. We will provide you with exceptional resources that will keep you informed, educated, and set expectations. To facilitate the transition, new tools and resources are being planned and created to assist in this 'end of life' process.

For example, we are working closely with FBS to include the County - Municipality related scroll feature you currently enjoy in Full Search, to Quick Search.
Secondly, we have added the Contingency flag to all inheritable property type templates.

Below are some key dates to acknowledge: 

  • Today - November 21st, Full Search has been renamed to Full Search (Legacy). Existing members will retain Full Search (Legacy) until the 'end of life' date, which is scheduled for late November 2020.

  • New members as of this date (11/21/2019) will not have Full Search (Legacy) available to them in their FlexMLS accounts. These members will use the Quick Search module for their property searches.

  • December 2019 - October 2020 - Throughout this time period, we will create, prepare and continue to communicate additional resources (webinars, classes, office visits, videos, Flex Tips, etc.) that will continue to educate our members prior to the transition.

  • Late November 2020 - After a full year of planning, communication, educating, and training, Full Search will be removed from FlexMLS in late November 2020. Once a final removal date has been determined, we'll let you know! Metro MLS is working closely with FBS to assure this timeframe is sufficient for our members.
Please contact your respective MLS with any questions. You may also follow our updates at  http://twitter.com/metromls . Metro MLS members can call the Help Desk at 414-778-5450 or email  support@metromls.com
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MetroMLS | www.metromls.com
Please contact your respective MLS with any questions. 
 Metro MLS members can call the Help Desk at 414-778-5450 or email  support@metromls.com .