QuickNotes September 2010
January 2011
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bietzblogThe President's Blog

Get to know our president Gordon Bietz a little better by reading his blog.

Reflecting Pool

"The work of generous living involves more than writing a check."

Gordon MacDonald

Secrets of the Generous Life

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afghanistanAlumnus Reconstructs Health in Afghanistan and North Korea
By Evonne Crook

Dr. Gilbert Burnham, Ph.D., M.D., 1964 biology graduate, is an example of the many Southern alumni who have chosen to follow God's calling to dedicate their talents and lives to impacting humanity by serving those in need around the world. His commitment to improving community health conditions for people in third-world countries is transforming lives and inspiring others in the field of public health.   


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Burnham standing with the medical director of the National Maternity Hospital, Pyongyang, North Korea. August 2010.

topcallerStudent Changed Through Call Center


Daniel Morgan began working at the call center last year and has seen tremendous change in his life as a result of this experience. Southern's call center, as Daniel put it, is a place "to update friends and alumni of Southern on what's new here, and to let them know of exciting new projects that they can be a part of."  


Daniel recently received the Top Caller of 2010 award, and is quite humbled. "I always spend time in prayer before I start my calling duties, and pray that the Lord will touch hearts and speak through me."  

Read the full story →
fhhopeningFlorida Hospital Hall Grand Opening a Success

Photo by Leonel Macias

By Jarod Keith

Faculty, donors, and friends of Southern Adventist University and Florida Hospital gathered to celebrate the opening of the new nursing building on Saturday evening, January 8, after decades of planning and fundraising. Named Florida Hospital Hall, the new building symbolizes the partnership between Southern and Florida Hospital, an Adventist general hospital and health sciences in Orlando, Florida.


The opening featured student-led tours, speeches by university leaders and a ribbon cutting. Read the full story and watch a video of the event below.

Read more →
snowSnow Engulfs Campus

Photo by Leonel Macias

By Kara Turpen

Southern students saw the most snow southeastern Tennessee has had since the storm of 1993. The snow began falling on Sunday, January 9, 2011 and left more than eight inches behind. This caused schools in the area, including Southern, to be closed for days due to inclement weather.


The campus quickly erupted with snowball fights, snowmen of every size (one was even in the likeness of President Gordon Bietz), and igloos built at the front of campus. Students enjoyed the break from school and the wintery weather and were in high spirits to start the new semester off right when classes resumed Wednesday morning.


Watch a video of the snow day at Southern.


pollresultsPoll Results

Last months poll question, "Which stories interest you most?" helped shape the content for this issue of QuickNotes and future issues. Alumni success stories were clearly the most interesting, garnering 40 percent of the vote, with current student life activities coming in at second place with 25 percent. Be sure to vote in this month's poll:  What was your favorite event at Homecoming Weekend 2010? 

We Want to Read About You!


QuickNotes is edited by Daniel Wahlen, a sophomore film

production major at Southern Adventist University.