QuickNotes September 2010
November 2010
Upcoming Events
Reflecting Pool
"Generous givers who want to instill godly values in the next generation must begin early; that is the only way to ensure that their benefactors will maintain a spiritual 'core' that will protect both the inheritance and themselves."

Gordon MacDonald

Secrets of the Generous Life

whitehousetaxWhite House Tax Conference Affects Donors
oursouthernOur Southern Is Your Southern
by Will Carroll, '01

At this time of year we think of giving thanks to God and those close to us. We show our thanks through meaningful gifts to our personal and community family. Southern is an important part of my family. This year I am giving to enhance opportunities for Southern students to build their careers of service within their academic field of study. I believe service learning helps them refine their skills while allowing them to see specific ways they can make a difference in their community for the rest of their lives. Please join me in giving to the Southern Serves Initiative this year.

Click here to read more →
DirectoryMore Than 1,000 Alumni Come 'Home'

By Evonne Crook

More than 1,000 alumni are estimated to have attended Alumni Homecoming Weekend activities this year. Pillars of Progress was the theme, which included events celebrating Southern's past and the progress the university has made into the present. The 60th anniversary of the accreditation of Southern Missionary College as a four-year school and the 40th anniversary of McKee Library provided much of the focus for the theme.

Click here to read more →

Join the Alumni group on Facebook →
legacysocietyLegacy Society Banquet and
Orchestra Concert on March 13, 2011

savethedateBy Carolyn Liers

The Legacy Society Banquet provides an opportunity to fellowship with others who share a heart for giving, hear from students who benefit from such generosity, and to enjoy the musical talent of Southern's Symphony Orchestra. The event gives Southern an opportunity to recognize and thank those who support the university through a future legacy gift.

Your generosity enriches the Southern experience and inspires students to prepare for a higher calling and life of service. This is what it means to leave a legacy. Your legacy can provide life-changing opportunities for students at Southern--many of whom you may never meet. As one student recently stated "you will never know what you have done until we get to heaven." We hope you will come and other Southern supporters who value Christ-centered education as we celebrate your legacy!

This event is by invitation only. To learn more about how you can help students at Southern and be a part of this special evening, contact Carolyn Liers at plangive@southern.edu or call 1.800.768.8437.

The Southern Legacy Society →
stakeholdersStakeholders Visit Campus
stakeholdersbrunchBy Geovanny Ragsdale

eventcouponEvent Planning Coupon

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PLANNING AN EVENT? Southern Adventist University offers excellent meeting space for your conference or special event needs. Beautiful setting, personal planning professionals, one-stop shopping! Plenty of recreational and educational options. Ask about our professional team-building packages.

Join corporate leaders like Volkswagen of America and McKee Foods Corporation by calling us today. 15 percent discount if you book an event by December 31, 2010. Contact Conference Services and Events at 423.236.2555 or email conferenceservices@southern.edu.

Offer Expires: December 31, 2010

legacygivingLegacy Giving Coupon

Offer Expires: December 31, 2010


QuickNotes is edited by Daniel Wahlen, a freshman film

production major at Southern Adventist University.

Scripture taken from The HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION �. Copyright �. 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblical. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.