The Newsletter of Franklinton Baptist Church

102 West Mason Street

Franklinton, North Carolina 27525

Volume Sixty, Issue Eleven

November, 2024

November 2024 Newsletter

“Valid Expressions of Christian Faith”

Dear Church Family:

In his book, Jesus “Hero of Thy Soul,” Jim McGuiggan shares a captivating story from Saul Bellow’s collection of traditional Jewish tales. In a small Russian town, a rabbi would disappear every Friday morning for several hours. His devoted disciples believed he went up to heaven to talk with God. However, a newcomer to town was skeptical and decided to hide and observe the rabbi’s actions.

To the stranger’s surprise, the rabbi spent his time cutting firewood for an elderly woman and her sick son. This selfless act inspired the newcomer to become a disciple. From then on whenever someone said the rabbi ascended to heaven, the stranger would quietly add, “if not higher.”

This story beautifully illustrates a kind and gentle soul who demonstrated faith through actions. It echoes the powerful testimony of James 2:14-17, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet does not supply their bodily needs, what good is that? So, faith by itself, if it has no works is dead.”

One common mistake Christians make is assuming ministry must always have a religious flavor. We often associate Christian service with Bible studies, prayer meetings, and evangelistic presentations. While these activities are valuable, they are not the only valid expressions of Christian faith.

We bear witness to our faith when we offer a helping hand to those in need. We exalt our Lord when we make ourselves useful. The recent collection of donations from you to send to Western North Carolina is a testament to this. Your generosity has made a significant impact on the lives of those in need. To God be the glory!

In conclusion, our faith is not limited to religious rituals. We can express our devotion through simple acts of kindness, compassion, and service. By doing so, we demonstrate the authenticity of our faith and bring glory to God.

In the eternal fellowship,

Richard Childress

Patrick's Musical Passages

Knowing that I died with Christ to sin and the law (Romans 6:6 & 7:6), I count myself alive in Christ (Romans 6:11). I commit myself to His service, doing His will (Romans 6:13) as a slave of righteousness (Romans 6:19). Warren Wiersbe puts it this way: "We are not declared righteous by keeping the law and we cannot be made holy by keeping the law; the old nature knows no law, the new nature needs no law."  


Free from the law—oh, happy condition! Jesus hath bled, and there is remission;

Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall, Christ hath redeemed us once for all.

Once for all—oh, sinner, receive it; Once for all—oh, doubter, believe it;

Cling to the cross, the burden will fall, Christ hath redeemed us once for all.

Philip P. Bliss


(above musical image from

The Ministries of Franklinton Baptist Church

Operation Christmas Child

Collections for Operation Christmas Child will continue through November 17. Contributions are welcome at any time! Collection week is November 18-25. Please be in prayer about this very important and far-reaching ministry!

Blessing Box

Take what you need.

Give what you can.

Above all, be blessed.

Praying Hands Blanket Ministry

The prayer blanket ministry of Franklinton Baptist Church was established in October 2024 for the purpose of promoting prayer and connection through the use of quilts and blankets. 

The mission of a prayer blanket is to bring comfort to those who need RELIEF from pain and suffering, to bring PEACE to those who are anxious or fearful, to make a CONNECTION to people who feel alone, and to show others that we CARE and are PRAYING for their healing. 

Recipients are those individuals who are preparing for or recovering from surgery, those living with chronic illnesses, or in a life-threatening situation, those who are grieving from the loss of a loved one or other significant relationships.

It is a beautiful act of giving and receiving through which the threads of the quilts become interwoven with faith, hope, and love.

If you would like to join the team or get additional information, please call Ella Wilson at 919-426-9699.

Christmas Collection for Children

We are collecting items and donations for our Children's Christmas Drive. Final plans are being made as we speak. Please contact Phil DiFrancesco at

919-724-3304 for further information about what we are collecting and what we are not collecting for this ministry.  

On the Calendar

The Bible study "What We Believe" continues to meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. There are nine (9) subjects in this study, including "the Church" and "Jesus and the Holy Spirit." There is no book - just bring your Bible. Please text or call Linda McGhee at 919-306-1184 with any questions.

The Missions Committee will host a spaghetti dinner following our 11:00 worship hour on November 10. Cost is $10 per person and $5 for children under 10. Please call Cheryl in the church office at 919-494-5121 to sign up for this meal or drop your payment in the offering plate. The deadline to sign up (either by calling the church office or by dropping payment in the offering plate) is November 3. This meal is to raise money for upcoming mission trips through our church. Guest speaker Rachel Outhouse will describe a recent Moldova trip, and Dr. Childress will address upcoming domestic and international mission opportunities.

Our Hanging of the Green service when we decorate our Sanctuary for the Christmas season is November 24 at 7:00 P.M. You don't want to miss this service! It is a beautiful time of singing, lighting candles, and reading Scripture as we begin the Advent season.

The Children's Christmas play is on December 8 during our 11:00 A.M. worship hour.

The Franklinton Baptist Church Chancel Choir will present the celebration in song "What Christmas Really Means" on December 15 at 7:00 P.M.


Dr. Richard Childress, Pastor

Patrick Woods, Music Director

Cheryl Hollar, Secretary

Danny Fuller, Custodian

Kay Mendenhall, Nursery Attendant

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