Quote of the Day

"God LOVES everybody, but He does not change His standards of morality for nobody. If you are a fornicator, an adulterer or a gay living person - you will need to be BORN AGAIN like His Son said we ALL need to be."

Pastor Hery Alonso

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Inspirational Bookstore

  • The proper and mandatory order of priorities to help get and keep your life well-balanced.
  • Powerful information on these priorities to help you stay focused.
  • The importance of these priorities and detailed elaboration on them.
  • Guidance to running the race of life better and finishing your goals/projects.
  • How to live with an attitude that will provide a strong mindset and help you get back up each time after a setback…without you beating yourself up.
  • How to continue hoping when all hope is gone.
  • Guidance to single women desiring a future husband without wasting more time.
  • How to deal with life’s inevitable scenarios (Imperfections, Waiting, & Working).

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  • The power of a made-up mind set in Christ Jesus (defeating double-mindedness).
  • Benefits of living in the will of God rather than in our own.
  • How to start your day right and finish strong (setting the tone).
  • Trusting God when you can’t trace His moves.
  • Developing the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom.
  • Ten ways to heal & let go of a tainted love and/or toxic romantic relationship.
  • Twelve principles on how to improve your covenant marriage.
  • Eight ways to become a better parent to your teenager.
  • Moving pass stuck and recognizing life’s passion killers.
  • Why we need the fire of the Holy Spirit.
  • How to be ALL IN for Jesus Christ (go from casual Christian fan to a true follower).

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