We have arrived safely at the end of another school year! It's hard to put into words what we feel today. Each and every year we anticipate the coming of summer with our students, we count down the endlessly long days, plan end of year events and look forward to pulling off successful graduations. We go home to rest after the last event of the year. Then, today arrives and we walk through the doors of our school and it's quiet. Remnants of activities are scattered about as evidence that thriving, happy children were recently here. It's a funny thing, this feeling we have today. Our hearts are happy but there is a corner of each teacher's heart that has a deep ache today, because we miss our students already.
We do love our summers! And if we're being really honest, we NEED our summers for that mental and emotional reset that allows us to work at our very best next fall (Same thing goes for the kids!). We will go into next week and work as a team to close out this very successful school year and start planning ahead for next year. We are full of gratitude for all the ways God has blessed our school this year. COVID made things challenging and we adopted a "challenge accepted" mentality!
It has been my sincere honor to become the Principal of RAA and finish this year strong. I simply love working with this amazing team of people. I could not have hand chosen a better group of students and families to serve. My gratitude overflows for all of the love and support our school families, church families, and extended families showered on us this year. I am proud of what we have accomplished and the direction we are headed in together.
May God richly bless each of you until we meet again.