April 2023 Newsletter
- NIH Data Management Sharing Plans
- NSF Safety Plan
- Spotlight on a RACC Board Member
- Spotlight on a RACC Volunteer
- Take us with you when you move
- Believe it or Not!
- Exam Schedules and Body of Knowledge Review Sessions
- Ready to Recertify?
- Contact Hours Opportunities
- Employment Opportunities
- Sign Me Up or Let Me Go
NIH Data Management Sharing Plans
Helpful Tips and Tricks
Lauren Zajac, MPA, CRA
University of Arizona
Back in 2020, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a Final Policy for Data Management and Sharing, which went into effect for applications submitted on/after January 25, 2023. NIH wanted to give ample lead time for this change, which is based on the premise that, “Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, in part, by enabling validation of research results, providing accessibility to high-value datasets, and promoting data reuse for future research studies. As a steward of the nation’s investment in biomedical research, NIH has long championed policies that make research available to the public to achieve these goals” (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-21-013.html). While this was already a requirement for large applications (for example, program project and center grants), and applications that would be generating genomic data, the new rule is clear. NIH requires that all applicants planning to generate scientific data develop a Data Management and Sharing Plan. Now that the dust has settled, here are some helpful tips and tricks. Full Story
National Science Foundation Safety Plan
Laura Ross
University of Arizona
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has a recently released policy that requires institutions to “foster safe and harassment-free environments whenever science is conducted” (NSF 2023 PAPPG (Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide) II-E.9). Of course, this presents a challenge to manage compliance with this policy when a project includes work that occurs off-campus or off-site (defined by NSF as “data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork on research vessels and aircraft”). To ensure compliance with this policy for off-site work, NSF requests an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) to certify that the organization has a plan in place for safe and inclusive research for proposal submissions. Full Story
Spotlight on a RACC Board Member
Brent Bell, MRA, CRA
Director, Pre-Award Research Administration
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Twenty-three years ago, while looking for a job, I stumbled upon an opportunity that piqued my interest at The Center for Native American Health (now the Center for Indigenous Health) at Johns Hopkins University. I was lucky enough to obtain that position, and while I didn’t know it when I started the job, I was embarking on my career in research administration. The first year was overwhelming learning all the rules and regulations and systems, but once I started to piece things together, I realized I really enjoyed what I was doing.
My career has led me to work in both departmental and central research administration offices at four different institutions. In each of my roles I have had the privilege of working with and learning from smart and dedicated research administration professionals from across the spectrum of our field. Without their time, patience, knowledge, and mentorship, I would not be where I am today.
In 2012 I learned about RACC and the CRA, and I became interested in becoming a certificant. Studying for the CRA reminded me how much I love research administration and made me stop to think about how I can grow in my career and give back to the community. When I finally took and passed the exam in November of 2014 it was a turning point for me. I felt emboldened to pursue my own continued professionalization while thinking of how to contribute more broadly outside of what I was doing in my day-to-day job. When I saw a call for nominations to serve on the RACC Board of Directors, I knew this was a fantastic opportunity for me to support the community in a substantive way.
On the board I serve on the Item and Exam Review Committee, will be joining the Nominations Committee, and assisted in launching a DEI task force. What has impressed me since joining the board in the Spring of 2022 is the excitement and dedication of our Board members and volunteers. So much care, thought, and work go into running RACC and pushing it ever forward…I had no idea! If you see any of our calls for volunteer opportunities, it is a great way for you to get involved and see some of the work that we do.
In my free time I enjoy reading, hiking, TV and film, and spending time with my husband and our Golden Retriever, Hannah.
Theresa Yockey, BTAS, CRA
Senior Research Administrator
Subaward Administrator
Office of Research
Sponsored Research Services
University of Cincinnati
In 2007 I began my work in the Office of Research’s Government Cost Compliance office where my responsibilities included the administration for UC’s Service Centers, then I moved to Sponsored Research Services in 2008, where my role was to review and negotiate contract terms and conditions at both proposal and award stages. Shortly after that, I became what my coworkers call me the “Subaward Queen”, where I draft outgoing subaward agreements and manage the subrecipient monitoring and FFATA reporting, and anything related to outgoing subawards. I also manage the grants under the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
I earned my CRA in 2018, and have since enjoyed facilitating CRA study sessions for those who wish to take the CRA exam.
I have also loved volunteering as a member of the RACC newsletter committee. In my free time I like to read, work on crafts, participate in local running races, and spend time with family and friends. I have two children and 3 grandchildren who I adore.
If you plan to move to another job and still want to receive the RACC Newsletter, please let us know your new email address. We will ensure that you still receive the same great service and reading material. Thanks!
I love the faculty I serve and one day, years ago, when one of my favorite faculty members walked into my office carrying a stack of papers, I really didn’t think anything out of the ordinary. You see, this faculty member was a bit disheveled all the time, always running late, was highly respected in his field, but didn’t submit a lot of grant applications. But the 3-inch stack of papers on my desk started to look ominous as the PI talked to me about vacation and how he was leaving town the next day, going to visit family. Knowing I would need to be in touch to tell him it had been submitted, he was leaving his cell phone number with me. As he turned to go, I found my voice and asked, shakily, “when is it due?” This was a Friday and it was due the next Friday to the DOD. It had nine subcontracts. I called that faculty member every day that next week. Sometimes more than once per day. By Thursday I was told that I was ruining his vacation! But we submitted that application on time. And, like in every scary movie when the villain comes back at the end for one more scare…the application was funded.
B. Reynolds, CRA Indiana University, School of Medicine
A faculty member once argued with me when I told him his NIH grant could not pay the kennel for boarding his dog while he traveled out of the country for two weeks to meet with his collaborator. His collaborator also happened to live in my faculty member’s hometown where he still had immediate family. The reason he needed to board his dog was because he was also taking his family with him on this trip. I won the argument but really?
L. Mejia, University of Pittsburgh
When I was a hired as a Research Manager at a department with little research infrastructure, policy was not strongly enforced and many faculty researchers were left on their own to manage their awards. I was meeting with a new faculty member who just received a notice of award for a proposal that had been submitted. The faculty member insisted that I change all the institutional information on the award notice to their personal address as this was their research. I told them over and over again that as an employee of the Institution, they submitted the proposal under the umbrella of the institution and therefore the award goes to the institution. They would not believe me until I showed them the institutional grant policy manual. Then they became very insistent, to the point of being irate, that the institution write them a check for the full amount of the award as the money belonged to them for their research, not the institution. They elevated this to the Department Chair, who immediately shut that idea down.
C. Wang, MBA, CRA UC Davis
Please share your story!
Use the "Believe it or Not" button and send us your story. This is the one place where research administrators from all over can laugh, cry, and sympathize. We have all been there!
Exam Schedules and Body of Knowledge Review Sessions
Exam schedules and Body of Knowledge Review sessions can be found HERE.
To host a review session contact
Michelle Breton, Review Session Coordinator
Keep track of your contact hours and supporting documentation by using RACC Website.
If you have any questions on our recertification process, please contact Susanne MacDonald.
Find vital information regarding recertification HERE
Check out our social media pages for upcoming contact hour opportunities!
Contact Hour Opportunities
opportunities on the RACC website.
If you have any friends or colleagues that may want to receive our newsletter, send me their email address. I will contact them and get their permission. Hit the "sign me up" button. Send a list of names and emails of those who you believe should hear from us. However, if you are tired from hearing from us, no harm, hit the button and say, "let me go" in the subject line.
Are you interested in taking the Certified Financial Research Administrator (CFRA) Exam? Take the practice exam to test your skill.
The Council is a private, independent, nonprofit organization that develops and administers a voluntary program for the certification of individuals who meet the requirements established by the Council.
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