Diet is one approach to help control lipedema symptoms. There are certain foods which can aggravate and increase the buildup of fat and acid in the tissue. The RAD (Rare Adipose Disease) diet developed by Dr. Karen Herbst focuses on highlighting the consumption of key nutrients while avoiding foods that intensify Lipedema. In addition, many people suffering from Lipedema have IBD or IBS, so you should take probiotics everyday. 
What are the key diet fundamentals of the RAD diet plan? Dive into all of the details in our Lipedema Eating Plan BLOG.
Lower your fat consumption from pasteurized dairy products, red meats, fattier animal proteins (such as chicken thighs, sausage and bacon) and fats, which are absorbed directly into the lymphatics. Substitute good fats including coconut, avocado, olive or nut oils, and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, which are rich in Omega 3 oils. 
Eliminate sugars and carbohydrates, salt and wheat or processed flour products. Avoid foods containing chemicals such as artificial preservatives, flavors, non-natural sweeteners, colors and stabilizers, (most prepared, packaged and fast foods).  Substitute low glycemic index foods to lower insulin levels - insulin makes fat grow.  
Eat lots of fresh vegetables that have enzymes that are absorbed into the lymphatics and in essence "roto-rooter" out the stagnant protein.  You can add enzymes with advice from Dr. Byrd or your healthcare provider.
Rest your gut by taking a day off and eating liquid foods such as soups, stews (without meat or at least with pulled meats), smoothies, protein shakes, applesauce, juiced vegetables and fruits, as discussed on our blog.
Would you like to learn more about Lipedema treatments we offer? Visit our website and schedule a consultation with Dr. Byrd at 770-587-1711.

Denise Bennett
hits us all differently. One day we are living our "normal" life, not really thinking about our legs any more than usual, and then we hear the word lipedema for the first time.

I remember that day clearly. I heard the word L-I-P-E-D-E-M-A but thought it was a mispronunciation of lymphedema. You too? And then, I googled it. And I saw pictures of it. And I read woman's stories of their lifelong struggle with it. And I knew immediately that I had lipedema. I was scared, ecstatic, relieved, and anxious all at the same time. Mostly though, I didn't know where to begin. How would I find out for certain that Lipedema is what was wrong with my legs? Who should I turn to? How would I get diagnosed? What next steps should I take? What needed to be done to fix me?

I could see a glimmer of hope. I had no idea where this would all lead, but for the first time in my life, I felt hopeful.

Check our website every 2 weeks for Denise's BLOG.