November 17, 2022

Submit Your News

Dear RARC Community, 

Welcome to the RARC’s latest installment of addiction-related news and events across Rutgers. We hope these digests help you stay informed about the many things happening across Rutgers in the addiction space. Have news or events you’d like us to highlight in an upcoming digest? Send the details to RARC Communication Specialist, Ricki Arvesen ( 


Letter of Intent Due Tomorrow (Nov 18)

Reminder - letter of intent for RARC pilot grants are due tomorrow, Friday, November 18, 2022. If you plan to submit a pilot grant proposal, please email Great opportunity to get funding to start new collaborations! 

Learn more: Click here

Four Open Faculty Positions

BHI and RARC are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty members at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level across our four research domains: Basic Science; Epidemiology, Etiology, & Prevention; Treatment & Recovery; and Public Policy. 

For more information: Click here

Rutgers Opportunities

Funded Postdoctoral Positions Available in Addiction Research

The Rutgers University Molecular Neuroscience of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Training (MNADRT) Program invites applications for NIAAA-funded T32 postdoctoral fellowships related to alcohol and drug abuse research.

To learn more: Click here

BHI 2022-2023 Mock Grant Review Program

Motivational & Affective Neuroscience Focus Area Working Group is pleased to announce the 2022-2023 mock grant review program. The primary objective of this program is to increase the success of grant proposals submitted to NIH by Rutgers investigators connected to BHI.

To learn more: Click here

Center for Population Behavioral Health Seeks a Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Drs. Carolyn Sartor and Tammy Chung at CPBH are seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to contribute to NIH-funded etiological and clinical research on youth and young adult substance use, with a focus on variation by race/ethnicity and gender in pathways of risk and substance use outcomes.

For more information, please contact Dr. Carolyn Sartor

Rutgers News

5 New Studies from Dr. Danielle Dick’s Lab on the Genetics of Addiction

RARC Director, Dr. Danielle Dick's research lab has published five studies in the past two months surrounding genetic risk and resilience factors for substance use disorders.

Learn more: Click here

Parental Discord May Be An Indicator of Children’s Genetic Risk for Future Alcohol Misuse

RARC Researchers co-authored a new study published in Molecular Psychiatry, that found that children’s exposure to parents’ relationship discord or divorce is associated with the potential for alcohol use disorder as adults.


To learn more: Click here

Sleeping Medications Used for Insomnia May Combat Drug and Alcohol Addiction

RARC Researchers, Morgan James and Gary Aston-Jones, discussed their new study that shows how changes in the brain promote drug-seeking behavior and why some insomnia medications may block it.

To learn more: Click here

Solutions to Tackling Smoking Rates

RARC Researcher, Dr. Michael Steinberg, discusses the challenges to changing smoking rates in the United States. The article highlights key research as well as resources for quitting tobacco products.


To learn more: Click here

Rutgers Events

Pathways to Recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder Webinar

The Translational Research Training in Addictions for Underrepresented Groups (TRACC) is hosting their next Expert Speaker Series today, November 17th, 2022 from 12:30 PM to 1:50PM featuring Katie Witkiewitz, PhD.

Join the webinar here: Click here

Initial Findings on the Development of an Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Opioid Use Disorder and PTSD Webinar

Rutgers Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies is hosting their next Emerging Addiction Science Seminar on Thursday, December 1, 2022 from 12:30PM - 1:30PM EDT with Dr. Tanya C. Saraiya.

For more information: Click here

Eighth Annual BHI Symposium

Join us on Friday, December 2, 2022 from 8:00 AM-5:30 PM EDT. at the Busch Student Center in Piscataway, NJ for feature talks by Rutgers faculty presenting their cutting-edge research. The afternoon session includes student/post-doc poster presentations with cash awards to the top three best posters. Register early for discounted rate by November 1, 2022.

Learn more: Click here

Opioids in the Workplace: Awareness – Free Online Training

Rutgers Center for Public Health Workforce Development offers a free 1-hour online asynchronous course intended for workers and employers who may be impacted by the opioid crisis. 

For more information: Click here

Community News & Events

Annual NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival (Virtual)

On Thursday, December 8 and Friday, December 9, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET each day, will showcase exciting research results, emerging research areas, and innovations in health related BSSR.

To learn more: Click here

2024 HHMI Investigator Program

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is seeking creative and innovative scientists to join its Investigator Program. They will appoint approximately 25 new Investigators through a national open competition. The application period opens this December; the deadline is March 21, 2023.

For more information: Click here

Funding Opportunities

Rutgers Research Council Awards

The Research Council Awards program offers seed funding to support faculty research that tackles challenging disciplinary problems in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and creative arts. Funding is available through six separate funding mechanisms (Individual Fulcrum Awards Program, Social and Racial Justice Awards Program, Climate Action Awards Program, Collaborative Multidisciplinary Awards Program, Subvention Program for the Publication of Scholarly Books, Manuscript Review Award). Applications are due on December 1, 2022. 

For more information: Click here

The International Center for Responsible Gaming

The ICRG invites investigators to apply for a three-year Center of Excellence Grant to study gambling and gambling problems among emerging adults in the US. The ICRG is open to a variety of topics in proposals responding to this request for applications (RFA). Here are some possibilities:

  • A social norms approach has been used effectively in college alcohol prevention as well as college gambling projects. Applicants might experiment with this approach in the development and testing of new responsible gambling and intervention strategies suitable for this demographic group. 
  • A national survey of gambling behaviors and problems among young adults in the US such as a replication of past studies. 
  • A study of young adult involvement in daily fantasy sports, online sports wagering, betting on eSports and other forms of online gambling. 
  • The convergence of video game playing and online gambling (online sports wagering, gambling on e-Sports, daily fantasy sports, etc.). Is there significant migration from video gaming to online gambling? 
  • The predictors of gambling problems in this population group.

Applicants may request a total of $350,000 in direct costs plus 15% in Facilities and Administration costs. Application deadline: January 31, 2023

For more information: Click here

To view the RARC list of funding announcements that may be of interest to Rutgers addiction researchers, Click here

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