**There will be no Wednesday night meals/activities on 1/8/25. Our regular Wednesday night schedule (see below) will resume on 1/15/25! January's meal sign-up is now available here**
Wednesday Night Schedule
5:15 PM- Dinner
6:00 PM- Adult Bible study and children's/youth activities
Please make your dinner reservations here as soon as possible if you plan to eat on Wednesday nights during the month of January. After signing up for the meals you will attend, we ask that, if at all possible, you pay for your meals on the Sign-Up Genius website. Simply leave the quantity as "1" and input the total cost for the month in the "cost" box. This is a secure site, much like Realm. However, if paying online is not an option for you, please submit a cash or check payment to the church office at your convenience as money will no longer be taken in the fellowship hall on Wednesday nights.
Feel free to email Noelle with any questions or concerns you may have regarding Wednesday night meal sign-ups/payments.