June 20, 2023

Come out to VBS Celebration Sunday on 6/25 in the Fellowship Hall! A free lunch will be provided as well as games for families to play. Feel free to bring your own favorite game as well! If you plan to attend, please make a reservation with Greta Trimm as soon as possible. If you need her contact information, feel free to reach out to the church office.

Join us for our community family movie night on July 21st starting at 7:00 PM! Water and popcorn will be provided, but please plan to bring your own chair or blanket and a friend! This event will take place outdoors. However, in the event of rain, the movie will be played in the Fellowship Hall.


We are excited to announce that Dr. Paul House of Beeson Divinity School will be joining us as our retreat guest speaker, and Justin Cross will be leading worship. You don't want to miss this! Sign up here!

See the tentative retreat schedule here! Confirmed times will be posted in July.

2023 Bible Reading Schedule

Visit the RBC website to learn more about the 2023 Bible reading plan.

If you would like to support our congregation and ministerial staff by engaging in supportive prayer during Sunday morning worship, sign up for a time slot here.

Parents and Teachers,

On August 5th we will be having our

Back to School Bash as an Ice Cream Social!!! Starting at 2pm I will have a parents' meeting in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a time for me to get important information to you and from you. PLEASE make sure you are here. This is an important meeting.

While the parents are in their meeting with me, the kids will be meeting with their Sunday School teachers as the next day, August 6th, is promotion Sunday.

After the meeting we will all come together for our Ice Cream Social!

I am already in preparation for the new year ahead and am excited for our continued partnership in helping raise up a new generation of believers!

-Mrs. Camille

Click here to view the most recent RBC Kids Newsletter!

Click here to view the most recent RBC Students Newsletter!

Sign up here or email Clayton if you are interested in participating in Community Missions Week projects!

1.  Psalm 66: 5 NASB “Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men.” Father God, how we praise You for all the wonderful teachings that are going on this week with our VBS. Thank You Father for these young hearts that are gaining greater understanding of who You are. Holy Spirit, draw these children to Yourself. Already we are anticipating volunteers sensing Your call to new avenues of ministry as well as children receiving salvation! We praise You Father. 

2.  Galatians 6: 9-10 NASB “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Father God, as VBS requires time and energy in addition to normal responsibilities for our church staff and volunteers, would You grant them extra grace to complete their tasks? Bless them and their families. 

Stewardship in Action

June Budget Needs: $54,166.67

June Budget Receipts (Thru 6/4): $10,984.00

Global Hunger Relief Offering (Thru 6/4): $1,465.00

To give online to the general budget or special offerings click the link.

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