November 26, 2024

Don't miss out on Advent 2024 at RBC!

Don't miss out on our annual living nativity! We will gather in the RBC lower parking lot on December 15th at 6:30 PM for the performance, followed by donuts & hot chocolate.

Wednesday Night Schedule

5:15 PM- Dinner

6:00 PM- Adult Bible study and children's/youth activities

**It's the beginning of a new month! You can sign up for Wednesday night meals in December here.***

Please make your dinner reservations here as soon as possible if you plan to eat on Wednesday nights during the month of DecemberAfter signing up for the meals you will attend, we ask that, if at all possible, you pay for your meals on the Sign-Up Genius website. Simply leave the quantity as "1" and input the total cost for the month in the "cost" box. This is a secure site, much like Realm. However, if paying online is not an option for you, please submit a cash or check payment to the church office at your convenience as money will no longer be taken in the fellowship hall on Wednesday nights.

Feel free to email Noelle with any questions or concerns you may have regarding Wednesday night meal sign-ups/payments.

Visit the RBC website to learn more about the 2024 Bible reading plan & check back soon for the new 2025 Bible reading plan!

If you would like to support our congregation and ministerial staff by engaging in supportive prayer during Sunday morning worship, sign up for a time slot here.

Click here to view the most recent RBC Students Newsletter!

SBA Christmas Gift Shop 2024

We are excited for another opportunity to support the Shelby Baptist Association's Christmas Gift Shop!

Please be reminded that all items are due back by THIS SUNDAY, December 1st!

Throughout the month of December, we will be collecting our annual Christmas offering for global missions. This year our goal is to reach $12,000. Please consider contributing to the Christmas Offering for Global Missions and join us for the Week of Prayer for Global Missions December 1st-8th. Also, please designate whether you would like your contributions to go to CBF or SBC International Missions.

To give online visit our online giving form here.

Join us for our Week of Prayer events from 12/1-12/8!

  • December 2nd @ 6PM- Progressive Dinner at the homes of Melissa Shepard, Cathy Stork & Kathy Thorsen. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend the progressive dinner. Participants will meet at RBC at 5:45 PM to carpool.

  • December 3rd @ 2PM- International Mission Study Tea/Coffee at the home of Gene & Jane Roach.

  • December 4th @ 6PM- Guest speaker, Paul Hughes, speaking at RBC about his mission work in Tajikistan.

  • December 6th @ 8AM- Prayer breakfast and fellowship at First Watch in Hoover.

Please contact Clayton for more information/details regarding the Week of Prayer schedule.

Click here to view the most recent RBC Kids Newsletter!

Please email Noelle if you would like to regularly receive the RBC Prime Timers newsletter.

“God, please give our pastor a heart and vision to reach and minister to people beyond our own walls. Teach me to be the kind of church member who encourages and supports our pastor.”

1. 2 Kings 4: 32-33 NASB “When Elisha came into the house, behold the lad was dead and laid on his bed. So he entered and shut the door behind them both and prayed to the Lord.” Father God, this was a prayer of restoration for the life of this young boy. Teach us to pray, Father. Cleanse our lives and help us to keep away from those things which could hinder our prayers. 

2. 2 Matthew 11: 28 NASB “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Father God, what encouraging words we read from the lips of Jesus! He bids us COME to Him! His promise is for refreshment; He even takes hold of our load to lessen the burden we carry. At times He completely carries the load for us, other times His strength enables us to share the load with Him.

Stewardship in Action

November Budget Needs: $53,618.00

November Budget Receipts (Thru 11/17): $22,743.78

To give online to the general budget or special offerings click the link.

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