September 3, 2024

Find the 2024 Skills & Interests Inventory in the foyer or online here!

Don't miss our Fall Sermon Series on the book of Leviticus! Join us for worship at 10:30am.

*Regular Wednesday night meals and activities have resumed! We would love for you to join us!*

Wednesday Night Schedule

5:15 PM- Dinner

6:00 PM- Adult Bible study and children's/youth activities

Please make your dinner reservations here as soon as possible if you plan to eat on Wednesday nights during the month of September. After signing up for the meals you will attend, we ask that, if at all possible, you pay for your meals on the Sign-Up Genius website. Simply leave the quantity as "1" and input the total cost for the month in the "cost" box. This is a secure site, much like Realm. However, if paying online is not an option for you, please submit a cash or check payment to the church office at your convenience as money will no longer be taken in the fellowship hall on Wednesday nights.

Feel free to email Noelle with any questions or concerns you may have regarding Wednesday night meal sign-ups/payments.

Save the date for RBC's Fall 2024 Women's Bible Study Kick-Off! We will all meet together at RBC on Sunday, September 8th from 6:00-7:15 to complete the first session of Adrienne Camp's study "As For Me" on the book of Psalms. *You do not have to prepare in advance for the kick-off.* Study books can be purchased from the church office for $10. We hope to see you on September 8th!

The RBC Men's 2024 Fall Grow Group will be based on the book, Mere Evangelism: 10 Insights From C.S. Lewis to Help You Share Your Faith by Randy Newman, and the cost will be $10. This group will start on Thursday, September 12th @ 9AM and meet weekly at RBC. If you are interested in being part of a men's grow group, please email Chase.

Visit the RBC website to learn more about the 2024 Bible reading plan.

Throughout the month of September, we will be collecting our annual offering for state missions. This year our goal is to reach $5,000. We ask that you consider contributing and designate whether those funds will go to Alabama CBF or the Alabama State Board of Missions. Any undesignated funds will be split evenly between those two organizations. If you would like to give online, you can do so here. Also, please join us for the Week of Prayer for State Missions September 8th-15th.

If you would like to support our congregation and ministerial staff by engaging in supportive prayer during Sunday morning worship, sign up for a time slot here.

Click here to view the most recent RBC Kids Newsletter!

Please email Clayton by Wednesday, 9/4 if your student plans to join us for mini golf!

Click here to view the most recent RBC Students Newsletter!

Please email Noelle if you would like to regularly receive the RBC Prime Timers newsletter.

“Lord, remind me that I am to be a Great Commission Christian in a Great Commission church. Remind me that in Your strength, I am to do whatever it takes to reach out into my community with the transforming power of the gospel.”

1. Genesis 28: 12-13 NASB “He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, ‘I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I will give it to you and to your descendants.’” Father God, your word teaches us over and over again that when Your followers make mistakes Your promises are still to be trusted. This was true for Jacob with Your promises to him and it will be true for us, as well. Thank You for Your Holy Word.

2. Psalm 37: 18 & 20 NASB “The Lord knows the days of the blameless, And their inheritance will be forever. But the wicked will perish; And the enemies of the Lord will be like the glory (flowers) of the pastures, They vanish-like smoke they vanish away. Father God, we desire to be courageous in doing right, knowing You are with us. Thank You for dealing with Your enemies. 

Stewardship in Action

September Budget Needs: $53,618.00

September Budget Receipts (Thru 9/1): $5,976.00

To give online to the general budget or special offerings click the link.

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