We Are Invited Into Silence
from Presiding Bishop Eaton in the October 2021 issue of Living Lutheran
There are very few times in my life when I experience silence. There is the ever-present ambient noise of the city or the office: traffic, planes, power mowers, power tools, the intrusive alerts from computers signaling new emails or texts, ringtones. I find myself obsessively plugged in to the news, Twitter and YouTube—all available all the time, portable and near at hand on my cellphone.

And then there is the noise in my head: racing thoughts, internal conversations, grocery lists, music. Even—or perhaps especially—when the world around me is mostly still, I notice that I am not...
Campus Ministry Sunday: Oct. 24
Find new stories, newsletters, recent photos, stories, and more on the synod's Campus Ministry web page! These are great resources for Campus Ministry Sunday or any time you want to learn more about Campus Ministry and how to support their work.
Charitable Giving Tip: Bequests
The most common form of deferred or planned gift to support the ministries of the ELCA is a bequest contained in your will or revocable (“living”) trust. 
With a bequest, you can: 
  • Designate a specific dollar amount or overall percentage of your will or living trust to support the ELCA, your congregation, or the ministries you specify. 
  • Create a legacy, supporting your favorite ministries long after you’re gone. 
  • Make a significant gift without affecting your current lifestyle. 
  • Gift a gift that is generally not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes. 
  • Keep control of your assets during your lifetime, and rest assured that you can modify your bequest if your circumstances change. 
Tharan Leopold, the ELCA Foundation Gift Planner serving our synod, can assist you with a planned gift. He can be reached at Tharan.leopold@elca.org

The examples and information provided are for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be considered tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax or legal adviser about proceeding with your gift plan. 
Important Dates...

Prayer Calendar: October 24
  • Elstad Lutheran Church, Peterson
  • Saetersdal Lutheran Church, Harmony
  • Grace Lutheran Church, Peterson
  • Nabii Elia Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Mading Lutheran Parish, South Sudan
  • Casa La Paz, Medellín, Colombia