Looking Back:
A Synod Assembly 2023 Recap
The 2023 Assembly of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod gathered on Saturday, May 6, in Mankato. A total of 350 voting members, six voice-without-vote members, and 13 visitors were present. The theme of Flourish was present from beginning to end! The keynote speaker this year was Dr. Susan Brower, the Minnesota State Demographer. She shared great information and insight regarding the changes we are seeing in the population of the region and state.

Synod business was handled throughout the day, including the adoption of the 2024-25 spending plan and the election of all those nominated for council and committee positions. We heard reports from Bishop Hassanally, Synod Vice President Lisa Dierks, Treasurer Jeff Chestnut, and Secretary Rev. Josh Enderson. ELCA Churchwide Representative Rev. Kimberly Vaughn shared a report and a video message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

As the event neared completion, it was announced that there was a small pothos plant ready for each congregation to take home with them. Propagated from the same mother plant by Rev. Emily Carson, 165 plants were ready to join each and every congregation, as a reminder of our call to flourish.
Holy Spirit Grant Applications are Open!
The Holy Spirit Fund Grant and its application process were introduced! Rev. Hayden Kvamme, a member of the Holy Spirit Grant Disbursement Team, shared an announcement at the start of the assembly.

These grants will provide a way for the synod to come alongside congregations who are ready to follow the movement of the Holy Spirit in collaborative, community-oriented, Gospel-centered ways. Congregations are invited to apply by July 6.
Video Messages from Ministry Partners
Throughout the event, we received video messages from our ministry partners and other organizations..

Those messages can all be found on our YouTube channel! Learn more about Continuous Growth Pathway, Good Earth Village, Lutheran Campus Center, and more!
The offering collected supports the new Holy Spirit Grants and the synod's eight ministry partners. Over $16,000 has been given! Thank you for your generosity. (Learn more here.)
The 2024-25 Synod Council was installed at the end of the day after elections were completed.
(Thank you, Pastor John, for capturing this photo in the moment.)
You can find a gallery of images from the assembly on the event page at:
These are the plants that went home with each congregation. How is your plant doing? Consider sharing a picture of yours in its new home with the synod office!
It was a full and flourishing assembly this year! Be sure to check out the event page for videos and downloadable resources from the day. This recap just scratches the surface.

*Special reminder: if your plant is not okay, that is okay! The status of your plant is in no way a reflection of your congregation, ministry, or relationship to the synod or greater church body. Tending to plants is a very specific gift.
Important Dates:
Prayer Calendar: June 11
  • Grace Lutheran Church, Mankato
  • Zion Lutheran Church, Ellendale/Lemond
  • Christ the King Lutheran Church, Mankato

  • Ushora Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Mazoezi Igurubi Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Disabilities Learning and Education Ministry, Colombia