Fall, 2019
Upcoming Meetings

RCMA Awards and Gala Dinner
February 3, 2020
Gilley's Dallas 
Dallas, TX

International Roof Coatings Conference
July 23-26, 2020
Capital City Center Hilton
Charlotte, NC

RCMA Staff
Daniel Quinonez
Executive Director

Mike Fischer 
Codes and Standards Director

George Fischer
Government Affairs & Regulatory Director 

Chadwick Collins
Technical Director

Drew Brackbill
Staff Associate 

 Matthew Matyjek

RCMA Board of Directors
RCMA President
Greg Hlavaty
Western Colloid

RCMA Vice President
Jonathan Dietzel
SWT Group

Ed Buczek
Garland Company

RCMA Treasurer
Will Lorenz
General Coatings

RCMA Secretary
Josh Poole

RCMA Board of Directors

David Ziebarth
Astec Re-Ply Roofing

Brian Anthony
The Brewer Company

Ryan Blad
838 Coatings

Helene Hardy Pierce

Will Lorenz
General Coatings

Ariel Lender
Polyglass, USA

Stephen Hollman
RCMA Committee Chairs
Government Affairs Committee
Jeff Blank, SR Products

Technical Affairs Committee
Jim Arnold, Simon Products
Joe Rokowski, Astec Re-Ply Roofing Systems

Communications, Membership & Education Committee
John Stubblefield, Polyglass 
Michelle Carlin, GAF

RCMA Fall Meeting 
Thank you to all the Summer Meeting Sponsors!  Your generosity helps our association enhance it's meetings and events. If your company is interested in sponsoring future events, please let RCMA staff know.  

Platinum Sponsors

   BASF logo

SWT Group
Silver Sponsors


RCMA Membership
RCMA  is now using an association management system that offers you a variety of new ways to keep track of your membership and enhance your company's participation in RCMA.  You, your employees and colleagues can collectively update your contact information, track your history and register for future meetings. 
We will need you to follow some important steps to get access to the new portal:
You will need to update your password to get access to the new system.  Your user name will still be your email address, but your password needs to be updated.
Please take a look at your information and click on the "My Profile link" to view your data.  You now have the ability to make any updates or corrections as needed.  Feel free to explore and look at the different sections.  We encourage you to upload your photo if you would like. You'll also see your company logo included as well. 

President's Update 
Greg Hlavaty, Western Colloid
Fellow RCMA Members,
It was wonderful to meet all of the members who turned out in Baltimore for our Fall Membership meeting. For a recap and highlights, keep reading below!
The Fall Meeting was an incredibly productive one, where a lot of great ideas were raised, discussed, and fleshed out. Major issues covered in detail in Baltimore included expanding RCMA's reach within the roofing industry, growing our membership base, and establishing partnerships with allied organizations. I am very optimistic that we will make measurable progress in all of these areas in the coming months.
Every day, dedicated RCMA members are engaged in promoting our organization through their work on various committees. Whether it be interfacing with state, regional, and federal regulatory bodies, improving our organization's website, or working on recruiting new members, we are grateful to see so many committee members dedicate their time to furthering the mission of RCMA. If you would like to get involved, please let us know!
Warm Regards,

Greg Hlavaty
RCMA President, Western Colloid
2020 International Roof Coatings 
Call for Abstracts
T he Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association's 2020 International Roof Coatings Conference (IRCC) will be THE premiere roof coatings event in 2020, and will offer education and information of importance to a variety of professionals involved in roofing and building sciences. RCMA is currently extending an invitation for presenter submissions for their program.

This Call for Abstracts is being released to professionals in the roofing industry, experts in building envelope technologies, green building, researchers, and the architectural community. Possible presentation topics include global market developments and economic data, sustainability and green building practices, energy cost savings evaluations, roof coatings formulation advancements, roof systems analysis, accelerated aging, plus input from end users on product application techniques and trends for roof coatings. This is your opportunity to share your technology, innovations, knowledge and skills, and to make a difference in the building community.

If you are interested in presenting a paper detailing your original research, innovative technology, exploration of professional concepts or issues, or an instructive session on issues of importance to the roof coatings industry, please follow the instructions below. Final acceptance will be based on (but not limited to) the paper's ability to meet submission standards, overall program specification, and industry need. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2019. Should you have any questions about the IRCC program, please contact RCMA Executive Director Daniel Quinonez at [email protected] or 202-591-2490. Click link for the application and here for details.  
RCMA Fall Meeting Highlights
RCMA Attendees Discuss 2020 Strategy and Hear Presentations From Leading
Industry Speakers 

The RCMA Fall Meeting was held this year in Baltimore, in the The Grand, a former Masonic Temple blocks away from the Inner Harbor.  

Members participated in committee meetings that yielded numerous actionable initiatives which will guide the work of the association in the coming months. The details of the meetings are available below. 

Invited speakers to the meeting included David Herring, Director of Communication & Education at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). He spoke about the threats and challenges that changing climate trends will bring to the United States. Herring brought up the problem of "heat islands" that form in the more urban and economically disadvantaged areas of cities, and acknowledged that the roof coatings industry can play a role in alleviating that problem in the future. 

David Herring from NOAA spoke about the effects of global climate change.

Duane Musser, of  NRCA provided an update of the federal affairs outlook for roofing contractors.

Other speakers included John Catlett, the Senior Codes Consultant  for Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) who spoke about current issues facing their association in the codes area.  Finally, Chet Szwejkowski of the Surface Optics Corporation detailed a new testing product. 
RCMA Committee Updates
Government Affairs Committee Updates:
By George Fischer, Director, GR & Reg. 

Method 24 Update
As noted during the Fall 2019 RCMA meeting and on the September 2019 GAC monthly call, a smaller task force has been formed to discuss options for addressing the Method 24 initiative. Staff will be contacting the task force members in the very near future to set up a teleconference to discuss options for moving forward. Initial expectations are that the task force will concentrate on alternate avenues other than going directly to the EPA to get the RCMA message  to regulators.
RCMA submitted a letter to the EPA regarding a definition for cool roofs and ENERGYSTAR so there is no lapse as the program is sunsetted. On September 23 RCMA received a response from EPA with the following answer: "The ENERGY STAR program will add the ENERGY STAR Roof products specification to our web based archive on June 1, 2022. This archive is easily accessible from energy star.gov. We will also post the final list of certified products available at that time. These documents will remain on the website well into the future.
Staff has been made aware of impending action regarding SCAQMD Rule 1168 for adhesives and sealants A technology review is scheduled for 2022, and it is presumed that lower VOC limits will go into effect in 2023. Staff has contacted SCAQMD and has been added to the distribution list for stakeholder response when the technology review starts.
Other Advocacy
Staff intends to arrange meetings with regulators over the next several months in an effort to generate a degree of familiarity with agency personnel and better position RCMA during future regulatory changes..
Staff continues to forward updates from the ACA VOC notification service as received.
We received promising news regarding PCBTF shortly after the close of the Fall 2019 meeting:
OEHHA has posted the draft no significant risk level for PCBTF-   https://oehha.ca.gov/proposition-65/crnr/notice-proposed-rulemaking-title-27-california-code-regulations-amendment-13 - comments are due December 2, 2019.

Technical Affairs Committee Updates 
By Chadwick Collins, Technical Director

Sustainability Task Force
RCMA continues development of their Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for all 5 products categories: Acrylic, Aluminum, Asphaltic, Silicone, and Urethane.  

Our summer meeting provided the directions needed on some decision points for the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) development and staff is working to implement those decisions and move the project forward.

Codes & Standards Task Force
The Public Comment Hearings are underway in Las Vegas, NV and staff will report results once they are back in the office.
On the standards side, the ballot for D6083 in regard to the viscosity tables has closed and several negative were submitted.  Hal Leland, chair of D08.09, is working on addressing those negative and hopes to have them resolved by the December meetings in Houston.  We hope to see everyone there December 8-11th.  

The California Energy Commission had a stakeholder webinar on October 24th that covered cool roofs and roof alteration proposals regarding nonresidential structures that the CEC is considering for the next cycle.  The CEC will have a similar webinar on November 12th for single family structures.  Staff attended the webinar on the 24 and will attend on the 12th and will distribute notes to members shortly.

Contractor Training Program
The TAC reviewed and completed the draft document of the contractor training project at the fall meeting.  This document will serve as the basis for presentations and webinars that the task force will develop as the next phase of this project.

Technical Affairs Committee (TAC)
At their fall meeting, the TAC completed a framework to develop the TAC strategic plan for 2020-2022.  The TAC will further discuss and formalize this on their November 19th conference call.

Communications, Membership & Education Committee Updates By  Matthew Matyjek 

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee reviewed a Marketing and Communications (Marcom) Proposal, which outlined a three year plan to roll out an engaged communications campaign, designed to position RCMA as the authoritative voice of the roofing industry. 

The Committee decided to proceed with re-designing the website to make it more user-friendly and accessible. 

Following the publication of an NPR report on heat islands in Baltimore, the committee decided to conduct outreach to officials in the city to educate them on the benefits of white roof coating. We hope to expand this effort to other cities in the future. 

In an effort to expand RCMA's reach to non-members, the committee decided to look at creating a public-facing LinkedIn profile. RCMA members are encouraged to post photos and updates about our work on their personal LinkedIn profiles as well.   

View our profile on LinkedIn