International Roof Coatings Conference
July 20-23, 2020
Capital City Center Hilton
Charlotte, NC
: RCMA Fall Committee Meetings
October, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Daniel Quinonez
Executive Director
Mike Fischer
Codes and Standards
George Fischer
Government Affairs & Regulatory Director
Chadwick Collins
Technical Director
Jesse Stallsmith
Staff Associate
Bill Braun
RCMA President
Will Lorenz
General Coatings
RCMA Vice President
RCMA Vice President
RCMA Treasurer
Ed Buczek
Garland Company
RCMA Secretary
RCMA Board of Directors
David Ziebarth
Astec Re-Ply Roofing
Helene Hardy Pierce GAF
Ariel Lender
Polyglass, USA
Jeff Blank
SR Products
Jonathan Dietzel
SWT Group
Greg Hlavaty
Western Colloid
RCMA Board of Directors Highlights
Jeff Bland of SR Products, Ed Buczek of Garland and Ryan Blad of 838 Coatings were elected by the RCMA membership to sit on the Board of Directors. They will serve for the 2020-2021 term.
Government Affairs Committee
Jeff Blank, SR Products
Technical Affairs Committee
Jim Arnold, Simon Products
Joe Rokowski, Astec Re-Ply Roofing Systems
Communications, Membership & Education Committee
John Stubblefield, Polyglass
Michelle Carlin, GAF
Thank you to all the Gala Sponsors! Your generosity helps our association enhance it's meetings and events. If your company is interested in sponsoring future events, please let RCMA staff know.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
RCMA is now using an association management system that offers you a variety of new ways to keep track of your membership and enhance your company's participation in RCMA. You, your employees and colleagues can collectively update your contact information, track your history and register for future meetings.
We will need you to follow some important steps to get access to the new portal:
You will need to update your password to get access to the new system. Your user name will still be your email address, but your password needs to be updated.
Please take a look at your information and click on the "My Profile link" to view your data. You now have the ability to make any updates or corrections as needed. Feel free to explore and look at the different sections. We encourage you to upload your photo if you would like. You'll also see your company logo included as well.
Final President's Update
Greg Hlavaty, Western Colloid
Fellow RCMA Members,
It has been my esteemed pleasure to serve as RCMA's President over the past year. Representing our society in this leadership position has been both an honor and a privilege, and I will be sad when this period is over. Participating in the meetings and meeting more members in the Presidential position this past year has been a particular pleasure, getting to learn more and meet more people than I would have ever imagined possible! Thank you all for granting me this enormous honor, and I look forward to continuing my relationships without all of the extra work!
Warm Regards,
Greg Hlavaty
RCMA Past President, Western Colloid
President's Update
Will Lorenz, Western Colloid
Fellow RCMA Members,
I am honored at the opportunity to serve RCMA as your President. I'd like to thank you all for your support. Going into 2020, I have three components that I would like to focus on to ensure RCMA's continued success.
First, we need to continue to raise awareness. The universe of people who work in building maintenance, constructing, and contracting are not well-versed in the benefits of roof coatings. RCMA needs to shine more light on our eco-friendly roofing solutions and easy to install monolithic systems.
Secondly, RCMA must continue to be the best forum for smart and low-slope roofing through education for the next generation, a focus on online videos, infographics, and blogs.
Finally, the cooperation of RCMA and its members continues to be the foundation through which mutual success is fostered. We can bring more growth to the industry and faster success to member companies through everyone's dedication and cooperation, allowing us to be more than simply the sum of our supply chain.
Thank you all for the continued support of RCMA!
RCMA President, General Coatings
2020 International Roof Coatings
The Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association's 2020 International Roof Coatings Conference (IRCC) will be THE premiere roof coatings event in 2020, and will offer education and information of importance to a variety of professionals involved in roofing and building sciences. An exciting agenda with great speakers and events will highlight the week! Look for registration and sponsorship to open in early March! Dates are confirmed for Monday, July 20 through Thursday, July 23, 2020.
RCMA Annual Gala Highlights
On Monday, February 3, 2020, in Dallas, Texas, RCMA celebrated at its Annual Gala!
The event was held in conjunction with the International Roofing Expo! Over 80 members enjoyed great food, music and networking throughout the evening!
honored those who have made an impact in the roof coating
industry with the Martin A. Davis Award, the James "Tim" Nelligan Industry Statesman Award and the Emerging Leader Award
followed by
induction of
new board members
and officers
! Reid Ribble, NRCA CEO also spoke to the group and shared his vision for roofing and the important issues on the horizon for the roofing industry.
RCMA awarded Ariel Lender, Director of Product Management and Technical Services at Polyglass U.S.A., Inc. the prestigious Martin A. Davis Industry Leadership Award for 2020. Lender has been a passionate advocate for the industry, for RCMA, and has been active on its current Board of Directors. The award was presented by Jeff Blank, RCMA Past President and Vice President of SR Products.
RCMA awarded its James "Tim" Nelligan Industry Statesman Award to Will Lorenz,
Vice President of Sales at
General Coatings
Lorenz served as chair of the RCMA Government Affairs Committee and is the current RCMA President. He has been a resource for advocacy in government affairs and regulatory issues.
Government Affairs Committee Updates:
By George Fischer, Director, GR & Reg.
A meeting with Rep. Anthony Gonzales during the NRCA Roofing Day Fly-in to discuss our concerns with Method 24 was suggested on the last GAC monthly call. Staff will attempt to schedule a meeting between Method 24 Task Force members and Rep. Gonzales.
RCMA continues to encourage all ASTM members to vote with comments, regardless of a vote of affirmative or negative.
RCMA Staff and members participated on an ACA/CARB conference call discussion about adding an additional category requested by a company for solar coating. CARB indicated that in the spring of 2020 they will add a new category and limits: three year sunset date and volume limits. Initial concerns from stakeholders were voiced that there would be a "backsliding" issue and that CARB might potentially reduce VOC limits in other categories to make up the difference. CARB indicated that they did not intend to open the SCM for any reason other than to add the new category and assured call participants that they would not be changing any other limits in the SCM.
RCMA Staff continues to forward updates from the ACA VOC notification service as received. Additional information related to the PCBTF advocacy group has been and forwarded to GAC-members. We will be reaching out to NRCA and SPRI to suggest they offer support for leaving the current PCBTF exemption in place.
Participants on the last GAC monthly call discussed a previous advocacy position regarding thermoplastics inclusion in OTC but not in SCAQMD be reintroduced to SCAQMD in light of the addition of the solar category within the 2019 CARB SCM. Further discussion is expected on the next call.
The group on the last monthly GAC call also discussed retention of a California lobbyist to address stakeholder concerns. It was agreed that retaining a lobbyist would be in the best interest of the association and its members. It was noted that RCMA may be able to partner with other organizations to defray cost. Staff is investigating cost implications.
Technical Affairs Committee Updates
By Chadwick Collins, Technical Director
Codes & Standards Task Force
The ballot for D6083 had a negative that was found persuasive at the December ASTM meetings, so we are working on drafting a new ballot to address the issue raised in the ballot. That ballot will be submitted to ASTM and staff will notify members when the ballot goes live. In addition, a new standard for Cold Applied Coat Tar for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Dampproofing was balloted. The closing report for that standard lists two negatives submitted. As with all ballots, RCMA staff encourages all ASTM members with member companies to submit votes and, when possible, include comments regardless of voting in support, abstaining, or against an item. Comments are valuable when a task group discusses a ballot during committee week.
The Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) is close to completing the research study evaluating field samples in regard to determining what action, if any, should be taken in the assessment of a product in relation to application to a rough substrate. The working group held a call in January and is confident that the study will support a suggested protocol for the group to present to the Technical Committee in May and, if successful, to the Board of Directors in June. Staff is working with CRRC to develop a solution to this issue.
The California Statewide Utility Codes and Standards Team is hosting a second series of webinars over March and April to build on the webinars held in the fall and the feedback collected from them. Pertinent to RCMA, the Nonresidential Envelope Part 1 webinar is set for Tuesday, March 10, 2020 from 11:30AM to 2:30PM Eastern time, the Single Family Whole Building webinar is set for Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 11:30AM to 1:30PM Eastern time, and the Multifamily HVAC and Envelope webinar is Thursday, March 26, 2020 from 11:30AM to 3:30PM. Staff will attend all three and will pass information from these along to members.
A letter will be submitted to the California Energy Commission to address the current value listed for elongation for the table applicable to roof coatings (a value of 200%) and request its change to 100% to align with the values in the ASTM specification standards for the applicable coatings.
Contractor Training Program
The TAC reviewed the final draft of the Contractor Training document. The next step will be to have the Board approve the document. In parallel, staff will share the RCMA presentation template to the task group to begin to develop a slide deck using the information in the document.
Communications, Membership & Education Committee Updates By Daniel Quinonez
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is currently working on a redesign of the RCMA website to make it more user-friendly and accessible. The new RCMA website is expected to be unveiled in late March.
In an effort to expand RCMA's reach to non-members, the committee decided to create a public-facing LinkedIn profile. RCMA members are encouraged to post photos and updates about our work on their personal LinkedIn profiles as well.