J-Term: Introduction to Architecture

January 31, 2024 | Volume 16, Issue 26

Bless Ramona Convent Secondary School and the many people who advance our mission.

May our campus be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others.

May our community always support one another and exhibit hospitality to newcomers.

Fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.

May our understanding of the world help us to grow in appreciation for it.

Fill our hearts with gladness.

May we always turn to you in times of need.

Fill our hands with the tools we need to serve others.

May we show them your unceasing love through our actions.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.

Blessed Marie-Rose, pray for us.


The Catholic Schools Week (CSW) 2023 – 2026 theme is “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.” Catholic schools have an irreplaceable role in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Catholic schools teach and embrace the whole person, body, mind and spirit. The fact that all members of a Catholic school community share the Christian vision of faith that Christ is the foundation of Catholic education is what unites the school as a faith-filled community. The CSW logo symbolizes the united community of Catholic schools – not a building or an institution, but people of faith serving God and others. As a community, Catholic schools are nourished and stimulated by the centrality of the word of Christ expressed through knowledge, service, scripture and sacramental tradition. Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community is a theme on which to build a spirit of the gospel to benefit the human family. During this week of celebration, let us give thanks for Ramona, for our local partner schools, and for all of the other Catholic schools in our Archdiocese and throughout our nation.


Re-enrollment contracts will be sent to families via email on February 5th. Parents/Guardians, please log into your enrollment portal through SchoolAdmin to complete the enrollment for next year. There is an "Early Bird" discount of $50 if you enroll and pay the full fee by February 22nd, so the fee will only be $700. If you have any questions, please contact Jolyna Lee at [email protected].


The 2024 tuition assistance portal is open. The deadline for incoming 9th graders is February 9. The deadline for returning students is March 15. If you have a daughter already enrolled and another coming in as a freshman, you only need to apply once - please meet the February 9 deadline. Click here for more information.


Our students were excited to return from Winter Break for the new two week enrichment program called J-Term, which is short for January term. They took a brief pause from traditional coursework to explore topics that they may never otherwise be introduced to. Some students traveled to the East Coast on a school led college tour, others visited San Francisco for a government simulation conference run exclusively by undergraduates at Harvard College, some worked an internship, or remained on campus to take classes such as Financial Literacy, Hiking, Cooking, Architecture, Poetry, Dance Conditioning, Podcasting, Robotics, Badminton, and more. The Survival Skills course even culminated with an overnight backpacking trip!

Last week our students had the opportunity to share their feedback regarding this new program and now we want YOUR input! Click here to complete a brief J-Term parent survey and share your thoughts.

Thank you to our Yearbook Staff for capturing some amazing J-Term photos for the recap slideshow and to Natalia R. '26 for producing the "J-Term Kids" clip!


In alignment with the updated CDPH and Cal/OSHA guidance, LAC DPH defines isolation period for COVID-19 as follows: 

  • Individuals with COVID-19 who have symptoms shall stay home away from others until fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other symptoms are mild and improving. Individuals with COVID-19 who leave isolation before 10 days from symptom onset or the date of their first positive test if no symptoms need to wear a mask when around others. Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and have no symptoms are not required to isolate provided they wear a well-fitting, high-quality respiratory mask whenever around other people for 10 days following their positive test result.

Staff and Students with COVID-19 (Cases) 

Staff and students with a COVID-19 infection need to adhere to these instructions regardless of their vaccination status, history of previous infection, or lack of symptoms. 

Isolate (Stay Home)

Staff and students with COVID-19 must stay home and away from others if symptomatic and/or with fever. Isolation can end when both of the following criteria are met: 

  • Have not had a fever for 24 hours without taking medication that reduces fevers AND 
  • Other symptoms are not present or are mild and improving. 


  • A person leaving isolation prior to 10 days from the date of a positive test and/or onset of symptoms is required to wear a mask when around others for the 10 days.
  • It is strongly recommended that an individual test for COVID-19 prior to ending isolation and extend isolation until day 10 if they continue to test positive. 

Staff and students with COVID-19 who do not have symptoms are not required to isolate only if wearing a well-fitting, high-quality mask in all settings when around others, for 10 days after first testing positive. 

Wear a mask 

All people with a COVID-19 infection must wear a mask for 10 days from symptom onset or positive test date, regardless of whether they have symptoms.

  • While in isolation, wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask when in the same room as others. 
  • People who meet criteria to end isolation shall wear a mask around others for 10 days from symptom onset. 
  • Those with COVID-19 and no symptoms shall wear a mask around others for 10 days from the day they first tested positive. 
  • Masks can be removed sooner if the individual obtains two sequential negative tests taken at least one day apart.


Thank you to Ms. Michelle Herrera, Ramona Theology Teacher and Campus Minister, for sharing her story with Angelus News! After noticing a rise in antisemitism in recent years, Ms. Herrera thought it was time to better inform herself and her students. So this summer, she joined the Auschwitz Legacy Fellowship, a unique program that gives American teachers academic-focused tours of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland. Two of her students were also interviewed and shared some great insight on how Ms. Herrera took the information she gathered and translated it into a series of classroom lessons. Our favorite quote in the article by Ms. Herrera was “I feel called to invest into this next generation of faith leaders and particularly here at Ramona, young female faith leaders. I really love my students.” Click here to read more!


The AP test season has come once more. To prepare students for this year’s tests, our Library is stocked with a set of AP prep books, available to students to check out at any time. Topics include AP Calculus AB and BC, AP English Language, AP US History, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science, and more!


Students can also use the FREE Learning Express Library Database at home for AP Test Practice. Learning Express Library provides practice tests, tutorial courses, and e-books. Registration instructions can be found through student Gmail accounts. If you have any questions, please contact our Librarian, Ms. Castellon at [email protected].



Ramona Family Alliance invites you to a fabulous night of fun during Casino Night at Ramona on Friday, February 9th, from 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. (Friends and family 21+ are welcome). An appetizer buffet will be available from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. We'll have blackjack, craps, roulette, poker, beer and wine, food, live entertainment, raffle prizes, and more! Funny money to be exchanged for chances to win amazing raffle prizes. The last day to purchase tickets is Thursday, February 1st! Don't miss this great opportunity to mingle with Ramona parents, friends, administrators, faculty, and staff!




Ramona Radio Podcast Club is hosting an outdoor music concert on Friday, February 16th. They have three bands booked and are expecting a great crowd of music lovers! If you're interested in volunteering as a chaperone from 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., please contact Mrs. Fernandez at [email protected]. Thanks for your help!


For the next two weeks, "Bring a Smile to a Child" club is hosting a pull-ups drive. City of Hope, the hospital they work with, has a desperate need for pull-ups for the younger group of patients. They've asked if Ramona can help! This is a great way to earn service hours. Students that donate a large box (from Costco) can earn one service hour or 30 minutes of service hours for a small pack. Pull-ups can be found at Costco, Target, Walmart, CVS, etc. Pull-ups are preferred over diapers since they're much easier for patients to use. City of Hope prefers Goodnights Pull Ups for night time use. You can drop them off in the boxes located in front of the Main Office, the Library, in Upper Dufresne, and in Ms. Herrera's classroom (202). Please drop off all donations by February 2nd. Thanks for your support!



Alden Spence will be offering music lessons in Guitar, Bass, and Ukelele at Ramona on Wednesdays from 3 - 4:00 p.m. starting February 7th. Alden Spence is a session musician, arranger, music teacher, and music director. Primarily a guitarist, he also writes for and plays bass, piano, drums, and ukelele. He has created music in a multitude of styles ranging from folk, country, and gospel, to R & B, pop, and rock. Click here to listen to samples of his music. Alden is offering the first lesson FREE! After that, you'll pay monthly. Group lessons will be $40 for 60 minutes. Bring your instrument! Click here if you're interested!

LA FETE 2024

Click Here To See The Amazon Wish List


Monday, February 5th, through Thursday, February 8th, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact our swim coach [email protected].


Monday, February 5th, through Thursday, February 8th, from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

We will meet behind the gym. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Bermudez, Athletic Director, at [email protected].


All those planning to play sports in the 2023-2024 school year, please make sure that you have an active medical physical on file. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you know yours is about to expire.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Bermudez, Athletic Director, at [email protected].


Ramona Convent Secondary School is sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM). Founded in 1889, Ramona has a long history!


Eulalie-Melanie Durocher/Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Names of the Jesus and Mary (October 6, 1811 to October 6, 1849)


It’s Catholic Schools Week!


When Eulalie/Blessed Marie Rose Durocher was a young Canadian girl in the early 1800s, there was no system of Catholic parishes that had a school as part of their ministries and service like we do today. Eulalie wanted to go to school with others and be a student in a learning community. It’s more interesting and enjoyable to learn in a community setting, rather just at home. That’s why she was in a boarding school when her health allowed. When her health was most fragile, she was educated at home, especially by her grandfather. Her family valued education for their daughters and sons.


An educated population is necessary for a nation and citizens to flourish. That’s why countries have laws that require children to go to school. In the USA the compulsory legal requirement for students to attend school for a certain period of years first started in 1852. In 1872 Canada created their legal requirement. This was well after the first SNJM school was founded in 1843. Both countries are required by law to provide public (government sponsored) school systems for all students. 


Over the centuries Catholic parents wanted their children to attend Catholic schools so that in the community setting their children would learn about the Catholic faith tradition as well as the usual school subjects (i.e. language arts/reading/writing, math, science, history etc.). In the United States the parish school system developed as well as private academies sponsored by religious congregations (like Ramona). 

Today’s CHALLENGE AND ACTION: Have a family conversation about the importance of education. Parents/Adults, share with your child/children why education is important to you, and why you are willing to make sacrifices. Ask your child/children what they like most about their school(s). Share some family stories about going to school, the first day of school, favorite teachers, etc.


Caminos al Futuro is a fully funded, pre-college and residential summer program led by George Washington University's Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute. To be eligible, you must be a rising senior at a U.S. high school with a high-level of academic achievement and a demonstrated commitment to leadership in service of the Latino/Hispanic community.

During the three-week intensive program, Caminos scholars live on the GW campus and examine the social, economic and political transformations affecting the Hispanic/Latino community in a college-like environment.

Participants get a first-hand view of policymaking in the nation’s capital with visits to Congress, government agencies and leading non-profits. Scholars also participate in university-style lecture series, writing labs, and community action projects, meet with admissions specialists in a series of workshops to prepare them for the college application process.

Program Dates: June 30, 2024 - July 19, 2024

Application Opens: December 15, 2023

Informational Webinar: February 8, 2024

Application Closes: March 1, 2024

Click here to learn more and apply!


Attention seniors! If you've applied to a nursing program, please complete this form for a possible opportunity for a nursing scholarship if it becomes available.


The Streets, Art, SAFE Film Competition is a program for high school students to advocate for street safety through the arts, created by the non-profit organization Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) who aims to improve the quality of life for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers alike by reducing traffic fatalities to zero.


In Los Angeles, traffic collisions are the #1 killer of our youth, aged 4 - 14. Traffic violence is a situation extending beyond Los Angeles, with California having the highest rate of pedestrian deaths on roadways than any other state. This program aims to educate and empower students to do something about it through creative, fun, artistic, and impactful visual storytelling, while also developing film and visual arts expertise.


Join the film competition creating change on one of the top safety issues in our state - road safety - through the power of visual communication!

  • Free entry!
  • Win a share of the $7500 cash award for student teams and the Art Department.
  • Get an on-line guide on how to make a PSA.
  • Get access to workshops, mentoring and resources to help you win!

Click here to learn more! Submissions are due by February 5th. We've had Ramona students win great prizes in the past! Contact Mrs. Fernandez ([email protected]) if you have any questions.


Every year, the Alhambra Day Nursery Foundation offers scholarships to graduating seniors who have an interest in studying early childhood to grade 12 education in college. The scholarship is for $1000 the first year. If they continue in this field, they can apply again for their subsequent college years. Click here for more information. The application packet must be postmarked no later than March 8, 2024. The scholarships will be awarded in May 2024.

Click here to start shopping!



Thursday, February 1

Last day to purchase Casino Night tickets!

Friday, February 2

Grandparents’ Day - 1:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 3

Basketball vs. La Salle - 4:30 p.m. - Varsity

Monday, February 5

Enrollment begins for returning students

Field Trip for Chamber Singers and Choir Students

Swim and Track Tryouts

Tuesday, February 6th

Admission Interviews

Swim and Track Tryouts

Ramona Rampage Robotics Fundraiser at Shakey's Pizza - All Are Welcome!

Wednesday, February 7th

Assembly: Lunar New Year - Red Free Dress

Study Hall - 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Swim and Track Tryouts

Thursday, February 8th

Admission Interviews

Swim and Track Tryouts

Friday, February 9th

Tuition Assistance Applications due for new students

Casino Night - 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Monday, February 12th

Pupil Free Day - No School for Students

Atlas Curriculum Mapping Work Day for Faculty


Sr. Kathleen Callaway, SNJM, President

José Alberto Chavarría, Principal


Ramona Convent is a welcoming Catholic college-preparatory high school for young women sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and committed to excellence in education. Ramona's graduates are empowered, resilient, socially conscious leaders well prepared to meet the challenges of life as contributive members of the global community.

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