Plain and Simple:

If you have not already researched the new laws that went into effect over the last few months due to Corona you are doing yourself a MASSIVE disservice.

Out of pocket health insurance premiums have gone down for most New Yorkers substantially due to a dramatic increase in the income limits whereby one qualifies for financial assistance, or FREE health insurance. Also, open enrollment has been extended through 12/31/2021 so you can make a change to your plan at any time. Now more than ever before the "Affordable" Care Act is closer to achieving affordability for most New Yorkers, but you must act to take advantage.

IF YOU DID NOT HAVE A SUBSIDY or Financial Assistance before you MUST take action to receive assistance. Approximately half of our clients qualify for assistance they did not before.

Please give us a call if you would like assistance exploring all options available and we can set up a consultation today - 516-605-2757 or email us at [email protected]

We hope you are all faring well through these very difficult times. Together we will thrive.


Jason Samel
JayMar Insurance Agency
C - 516-329-2707