We are educating our children to think of themselves as mere consumers rather than creators, to beware of the world rather than behold it, to think of themselves as isolated individuals rather than participants in communities and in the broader web of life.- .- Ted Richards

Creation in Crisis
for a conversation about

Dr. Theodore Richards, PhD
Visionary Educator, Philosopher, Author

4pm, EST 3pm CT 2pm, MT, 1pm, PST

Our world today is beset with seemingly disparate crises that range from climate change to economic and racial inequality to geopolitical upheaval. All of these problems—and their solutions—can be related to the core values that our children are taught in the common classroom - where they are also taught the values of independence, competition, isolation, and disconnection - problems that are at once global and intensely personal.  
In this webinar, Dr. Richards will share his journey of reimagining education. He gives us new metaphors and models for our children’s classrooms so that they might grow in wisdom as well as knowledge and bring that consciousness to the world community they will soon join. We will learn how the classroom space can lead a child towards developing a planetary consciousness, discovering their depth, and allowing wildness and play to shape their souls.  
If you work with groups of people,you will find this presentation helpful..
If you love a child, you will understand its importance. 

If you have dedicated yourself to a new cooperative era among all
creatures and recognize the attributes that we need to survive and thrive,
you will allow this wisdom to shape your efforts.

Theodore Richards is an educator, writer, and philosopher. He is the founder of The Chicago Wisdom Project (now Wisdom Projects, Inc.) and editor of the online magazine and podcast ReImagining. His work is dedicated to re-imagining education and creating new narratives about our place in the world.

He is the author of eight books and has won numerous literary awards, including two Nautilus Book Awards and three Independent Publisher Awards. He lives on the south side of Chicago with his wife and three daughters.

Reimagining the Classroom: Creating New Learning Spaces and Connecting with the World Theodore Richards' provocative book asks us to reconsider our basic assumptions about the world, our relationship to it, and our relationships with each other. It helps educators question and recast these assumptions and practices while reimagining educational spaces rooted in the notion that classrooms – and the stories we tell in them – are a metaphor for the world we hope to create.
How to catch Up with our Previous Webinars
Go to the CSC YouTUBE page and look for the CIC playlist. Or simply CLICK HERE.
Or click on the names of our previous presenters below/
Creation in Crisis is a monthly webinar series featuring environmental activists from a wide variety of situation whose spirituality supports and empowers their efforts. The 90 minute sessions include inspirational readings, music or visual arts, and the opportunity to engage in conversation with the presenter. Webinars are held on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00 EST/ 3:00 CT/ 2:00 MT./ 1:00 PST.
Penny Andrews
Your hosts for these CSC Creation in Crisis webinars are Penny Andrews (left), DMin UCS, Chaplin, Activist, Ritualist, Perma-culturist, Facilitator for Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects,Creation Spirituality Communities Board Member, and (right) Gail Sofia Ransom, DMin '10 WU. Mystic, Musician, and Minister, Chant Specialist. Body prayer and Four Path Ritual Leader, President of Creation. Spirituality Communities Board of Directors 2014- 2018.

Gai Sofia Ransom
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You can also find us on Facebook as Creation Spirituality Communities or Creation in Crisis