St. Francis Xavier Religious Education

Weekly Update

September 14, 2024

Dear 2024-2025 Religious Education Families,

This is the first RE Weekly Newsletter you are receiving for the 2024-2025 school year and I hope it finds you and your families well. Please make sure to read through entire email as there is important information every week.

Thank you to all students and parents who attended the Mandatory Parent Orientation Meeting and Catechist Meet & Greet. It was so good to see so many of our families in the Education building for our Sunday, Online, and Wednesday Programs.


Below you will find a link to the Mass Google Form for this weekend. You will receive this email with a link every week. We ask that each family fill out at least two per month as a way to promote conversation about the liturgy with one another. It is a great "Car Ride Home" activity on your way home from church.

Mass Goggle Form Link: Weekend of Sept. 14-15, 2024


1) In Person (which we recommend in you can). For your convenience here is the parish Mass Schedule:

Saturday: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

2) If you chose to attend Mass virtually, you can watch Mass online via our website or our facebook page: Click Here

3) Or if you chose to watch it on TV, ABC7 will televise Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral every Sunday at 9:30am.


If you were not able to attend the mandatory parent meeting on the 8th or 11th, we will have a Make Up Meeting on Sunday, October 6th at 9:15AM in the gym for all programs (Sunday, Wednesday, and Online). Please make sure to attend so that your child/ren get credit for the first class that was missed and doesn't get an absence mark against them. (Online and Wednesday families only one parent needs to be present, children do not have to accompany parents. Sunday families you can drop off your child/ren as they have class that day and then head to the gym.)


If you still have a balance with with us, you will receive your first statement on Monday, October 2nd. Payments can be made in cash or check or online. All tuition must be paid in full no later than December 1, 2024. If you are having financial difficulty please contact me directly at the office at 708-352-4555.


Remember no class this week! 

We will be in the classroom for class #2 (class #1 was Orientation) on Sunday, September 22nd and Wednesday, September 25th.

Some Important Reminders:

RE class entrance and exit -

Sunday Classes:

Please park in either the parish or school parking lot and stand on the South Side of the Orange cones to get your children. All students will enter and exit through Religious Education Main Doors (next to the small tan shed) in the School Parking Lot off of Waiola. When driving in and out of the parking lots please we mindful and watchful of any children around and follow our Safety Patrol's instructions.

Wednesday Classes:

 Please park in either the parish or on Waiola (no double parking on the street allowed) and stand on the North Side of the Orange cones to get your children. All students will enter and exit through Religious Education Main Doors (next to the small tan shed) in the School Parking Lot off of Waiola. Please we mindful and watchful of any children around when leave your parking spot.


Catechists are not responsible to report your child's absence to the office. It is the responsibility of the parent to email: or call 708-352-4555 to report your child's absence and the reason for the absence.


Please remember that we are only allowing 3 absences throughout the school year since we are only in classroom learning for 14 of them. Missing 3 classes is missing a month and a half of material. If you feel that your child will be missing more than 3 in person classes due to sports or other extracurricular activities, we recommend that you have them do the online program which give more flexility to busy families.


Your children will receive their 1st virtual lesson (class #2) on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 at 8AM. Please make sure the lesson is completed and the Google form is summited by Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024. Class #3 will be posted on Sunday October 6th, 2024. If for some reason you do not receive the email with the links, please email the office so we can make sure we have your correct email on file.

The lesson emails go to the main email (1st email) on your parish account. If you would like a second email added to the Constant Contact list please let us know and we can add it for you.


Grades 1 - 8 should have picked up their Offertory envelope box in their classroom at Orientation and we hope you had a chance to read the letter inside.

What we are asking of our parents:

During each week

Encourage your children to think about how they will express who they are and how they wish to act as God’s Hands.

Some examples are:

•Visited a shrine of Mary while on vacation

•Shared my artwork of the Holy Family with my family

•Invited my grandpa to worship at our church while he was visiting my family

•Lead my family in prayer before eating dinner

•Walked our neighbor’s dog

•Contributed a portion of my babysitting money to the church

•Helped my brother who was hurt

•Helped my friend with math in school

On the weekend

Children will place their offertory gift in the offertory basket as it is passed around church.

Once a month

Look for the Stewardship article in the bulletin that includes examples of children’s offerings from the previous month.


Our Parish has teamed up with HALLOW, the #1 Catholic Prayer App and as a parishioner you can get it for $1 for the whole year. Follow the instructions below and let's begin praying together. If you have any questions please email our Pastoral Associate, Maggie McMahon.

Weekly commitment:

• Grades 1 – 3 - Tuesday rehearsals 3:40 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

• Grades 4 – 8 - Thursday rehearsals 3:40 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Choirs will sing monthly at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass

Register on-line with this link:

Rehearsals will start on the 17th and 19th. If you have any questions please contact: Mr. Allen Sterwalt, Director of Music Ministry at 



Parish Weekly Bulletin

The Parish Bulletin is emailed weekly to all registered families. You can find another copy by clicking here.


Stewardship is an attitude that leads to the devotion of time, the sharing of our talents, and the giving from our treasures so that we bring the Gospel to life in word and action. If you are not able to come to mass in person, please consider making your weekly donation online through Give Central. You can set it up for an automatic withdrawal by clicking here.

Parish Instagram and Facebook Accounts

The parish has a social media presence and is on Instagram. Like and follow for updates on SFX happenings, upcoming events, and more @sfxlg_parish or follow us on Facebook here.

Thank you for being a part of the SFX Religious Education Family.

Peace and Blessings,

Elis Guidice

Director of Religious Education

St. Francis Xavier Parish

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