Grades 1 - 8 should have picked up their Offertory envelope box in their classroom at Orientation and we hope you had a chance to read the letter inside.
What we are asking of our parents:
During each week
•Encourage your children to think about how they will express who they are and how they wish to act as God’s Hands.
Some examples are:
•Visited a shrine of Mary while on vacation
•Shared my artwork of the Holy Family with my family
•Invited my grandpa to worship at our church while he was visiting my family
•Lead my family in prayer before eating dinner
•Walked our neighbor’s dog
•Contributed a portion of my babysitting money to the church
•Helped my brother who was hurt
•Helped my friend with math in school
On the weekend
•Children will place their offertory gift in the offertory basket as it is passed around church.
Once a month
•Look for the Stewardship article in the bulletin that includes examples of children’s offerings from the previous month.