Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA)

RECO has launched the 2024 Update Course:

Introduction to TRESA now.

Complete the course in approximately three hours to gain a comprehensive understanding of the changes that will have the greatest impact on the way you do business and get your 2024 continuing education (CE) credit early.


Find out more about the 2024 Update Course: Introduction to TRESA or log in to your MyWeb account and take the course now.

Visit MyWeb to access the course 

RECO is also pleased to share another group of new bulletins to help you prepare for the changes. These include:

  • Bulletin no. 2.5 Confidentiality: This bulletin explains the obligations of brokerages and real estate agents related to confidentiality and the handling of confidential client information under brokerage representation and designated representation.
  • Bulletin no. 3.4 Personal trades and property interests: This bulletin explains the notice requirements that apply when a real estate agent is acquiring or disposing of an interest in real estate, requirements related to the disclosure of property interests, and related matters.
  • Bulletin no. 7.2 Lockboxes: This bulletin explains real estate agents’ obligations related to the installation and use of lockboxes.
  • Bulletin no. 7.3 Material facts: This bulletin provides guidance to real estate agents with respect to determining material facts and disclosing them to clients.
  • Bulletin no. 7.5 Stigmas: This bulletin provides guidance to real estate agents on understanding stigmas and the impact stigmas may have for buyer clients

These bulletins will be posted to WOLFConnect next week, or visit the RECO website to download them.

Coming next:

  • Additional RECO Bulletins: Coming next week
  • RECO Information Guide: It has been slightly delayed and is expected to be posted on our website soon

Stay tuned for more updates, and if you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].


Scott MacPherson

VP, Professional Development

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