In our First Reading, From the Book Of Genesis

In this beautiful allegory that teaches the oneness of husband and wife, it is the man as God's coworker who gives a name to all creation, in particular to sex. " Rib" suggests that both male and female belong to the one human race. "Flesh" in the Bible can stand for the whole person. Hence, " becomes one flesh" refers to more than the physical union. It indicates also the total oneness of two persons.

The Responsorial Psalm calls for an ideal marriage, one as it should be. Married people should never give up pursuing ideals!

In the Second Reading, From Hebrews

This passage describes what Jesus has done for us Christians. God made "the leader [ Jesus Christ] to our salvation perfect (that is, he made him achieve his goal to save us through his suffering on the cross.

In the Gospel of Mark

As far as marriage is concerned, we should constantly search for the values that underlie the law of lasting fidelity. We should utilize all the means that nature, sound sexology , and religion indicate. They should be used to keep marriage an exciting event. By living the earthly reality of their marriage as it should be done. Christians should be a beacon for so many who waver in their commitments.
As far as family is concerned, children are part of marital fidelity and happiness. Accepting "the kingdom of God" in marriage presupposes some of the spontaneousness of love that children possess and grownups have so often lost.
Newsy Notes


Current 2nd Grade Families

Remember: All 2nd grade students and at least one parent should attend the Reconciliation Retreat, Sunday, Oct. 3, after the 10:00 mass starting at 11:15am

Click below for a downloadable document listing
both first reconciliation and first communion preparation dates:


Current 8th grade Confirmation

The next group meeting will be Thursday, November,4
from 6:30-8:15pm in the Parish Dining Hall .
Please bring your group service project report form, and
your Decision Point Book to go over Chapter 7 together.


Our PRESCHOOL session for children ages 3, 4 and 5
has started on Sunday, September 26.

Interested parents can bring their children to the glass security doors
in front of the school entrance at 9:45am and pick them up there after mass.

The session will take place during the 10:00 am mass in the school kindergarten room.

Email Kate to register your children:

Address future PSR and Sacramental Preparation Questions to:
Deacon Bob Brazier at
“Lord, I too lack the necessary faith to see the blessings that accompany Your Cross, as well as the many crosses I am given in life. Help me to be purified in my faith so that I can see Your hand at work in all things, even suffering, injustice and persecution. May I see life from Your perspective alone. Jesus, I trust in You."


There is still time to register!
We welcome you all!!
Pre-K through Grade 8

Click below for registration forms: