This webinar, originally developed as a breakout session for the cancelled 2020 National TB Conference in Minneapolis, brings together public health and corrections experts from across the United States to discuss the latest trends in TB prevention and control for correctional settings. Through case reviews and discussions, participants will recognize and discuss challenges along with triumphs when working with security and medical staff in corrections. With the help of a diverse panel of specialists from corrections, we hope to enhance collaboration for those working in and with corrections. 

Sponsored by:
National Tuberculosis Controllers Association (NTCA) and the National Tuberculosis Nurse Coalition (NTNC) Corrections Committee
Faculty and Moderator

Eastern Regional Supervisory Infection Prevention Nurse
DHS/ICE/ERO/ICE Health Service Corps
Washington, DC

Brad Lindberg
Assistant Superintendent
Sheriff’s Office 
Ramsey County, MN 

Ellen Murray, PhD, RN, BSN
Retired, SNTC Consultant and Corrections Educator
Gainesville, FL

Tara Ross, BSN, RN, NHDP-BC
Nurse Consultant Program Manager-Level 3
Bureau of Prisons
Houston, TX 

Tara Wildes
Reentry Coordinator
Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Reentry Center (JREC)
Jacksonville, FL


Teresa Nowland
Northeast Texas Public Health District
Tyler, TX
Continuing Education Opportunities
Continuing Education Credits applied for.

This webinar is the first of a three-part series focused on corrections and TB developed in partnership with the Global Tuberculosis Institute (GTBI) and the Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center (SNTC).  

SAVE THE DATES -- Upcoming webinars in this series include:
  • GTBI - December 3, 2020
  • SNTC - December 10, 2020

Additional information about these webinars will be available soon.
Prison/Corrections Health is Public Health…