Our 2020 WRJ Midwest District Virtual Convention is fast approaching! I am excited to share a quick glimpse of our schedule with you and remind you that this year’s event is NOT a typical District gathering. Our Midwest District Biennial Conventions have always been a joyous experience, an opportunity to step away from the everyday and allow our Sisterhood leaders and members to bond across the district, sharing with each other, making friends, learning, praying, singing, having fun, celebrating our successes and helping us become our better selves. This year, we have designed the virtual convention programming to achieve several goals: to keep us safe yet connected, to offer quality programs of interest that can be adapted to the Zoom platform, to introduce first-time attendees to an often life-changing expression of our WRJ rituals and values, and to install the newly slated Board of Directors. 

Because we will be meeting virtually, on our own electronic devices, there will be no registration fees, no hotel reservations, no plane tickets. We ask you to register so we can be sure we have enough Zoom space for all who plan to attend. Take a good look at the Schedule. Plan to join us. I hope to see you soon.

Zabe Williams
1st VP, WRJ Midwest District
Thursday at 7:30 pm

Opening Plenary with Outgoing President, Michelle Scheinkopf
Friday at 6:00 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat with Julie Silver and Rabbi Leora Kaye
Saturday at 1:00 pm
WRJ Guest, Blair Marks, WRJ’s Immediate Past President

Also Saturday...
  • 3:00 pm Panel Discussion: “Unchecking the Box; Breaking Down Stereotypes”
  • 6:30 pm Installation of 2020-23 Board & Havdalah
  • 7:30 pm Special Midwest Leadership Celebration Concert
Sunday at 10:30 am
Panel Discussion: “The Fight for Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice”
Also Sunday...
1:00 pm Closing Plenary with Incoming President, Zabe Williams