The Tournament Proper
5-Nine Hole Matches (Match-A-Round).
There are 10 flights of 6 teams and each team will play the remaining
five teams in there respective flights.
Flight Winners
Flight winners will be the team with the highest cumulative point total
from the 5-Nine Holes Matches.
Points will be used to represent the win/loss/tie of a hole. There are 2 points per hole.
Tie - if teams tie on a hole each team receives 1 point.
Win – if a team wins a hole outright, that team receives 2 points.
Loss – if a team loses a hole, that team receives 0 points.
Blowout Rule – No more than 8 point difference in a match.
Overall Champion
The Overall Champion will be determined by a shootout on holes 10, 14 and 18 on the River Course. The shootout will be made up of each winning team from the flights. The format for the shootout will be a true alternate shot.