MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | December 2022

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2023 REI Call for Projects, Application Deadline is December 12th

Don't miss out on your opportunity to receive funding for the development of community-based and/or statewide innovative economic tools, models, strategies, policies, or practices in Michigan by applying for the REI 2023 Project opportunities! Applications are due December 12th. Current areas of engagement seek innovative community and economic development actions in resilience planning, financial resilience, 21st-century communication infrastructure, and circular economies.  


REI is "calling" for authors and experts to research and develop Co-Learning Plans on economic development tools, models, policies, programs, and practices. Student-Led Faculty Guided Projects and Innovation Fellow opportunities are also available. 


The REI University Center has identified the following topical areas for possible Co-Learning Plans of 2023. These include: 1) Clean Energy Economies of Michigan, 2) Defining Equitable Economic Development in Your Region or the State, 3) Circular Economies of Michigan, 4) Blight and Deconstruction within Michigan, 5) Michigan Planning Organizations Leveraging the Planning Process Together for Greater Impacts, and 6) Other.  


Need to talk out your ideas or see where a possible project may fit? Contact Jenan Jondy, REI Coordinator at for any questions or to schedule a meeting. 


To learn more about all opportunities or to apply for a Co-Learning Plan.

Learn More and Apply Now
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