June 12, 2020
Contact: Charles Russell
(570) 401-3676
Cartwright Proposes To Defund The Wilkes-Barre Police
HAZLETON, PA -  Yesterday, June 11, Matt Cartwright showed his true liberal colors. When asked if “we should quit wasting money” on Wilkes-Barre police and "move that money around" to causes, Cartwright answered unequivocally “absolutely yes!"

Bognet for Congress released the following comment in response to Cartwright’s outrageous idea to “Defund the Police.”

"Matt Cartwright’s proposal to defund law enforcement is a radical and dangerous idea, and shows once again that he would rather cater to the latest leftist fad than represent the interests of Northeast Pennsylvania," Bognet for Congress spokesman Charles Russell said.

A poll recently released by ABC/Ipsos released Friday, June 12, showed 64% of voters oppose defunding the police. Matt Cartwright has failed to be a voice for his constituents, promoting the values of coastal elites instead of hard working Pennsylvanians. 
