February 17, 2021
Media contact: Claire Robinson

SCGOP Chairman McKissick appointed to RNC Election Integrity Committee

(Washington, D.C.) – This afternoon the Republican National Committee announced the formation of an Election Integrity Committee, focused on maintaining and restoring trust in elections and preventing voter fraud.

While issues and allegations of fraud and irregularities occurred across the country, South Carolina handled the 2020 election the right way, despite Democrat filed lawsuits in federal and state courts attempting to change election law through judges and not the legislature.

The South Carolina Republican Party successfully intervened in all three cases immediately–taking one all the way to the United States Supreme Court and winning there too.

Those efforts, coupled with a large push to vote in-person early absentee, resulted in minimal Election Day problems in the Palmetto State–decisions in large part directed by SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick.

"We proved we're dedicated to defending election law and the integrity here in South Carolina," said Chairman McKissick. "Now I'm eager to share how we got it right and help other states do the same. Chairwoman McDaniel's decision to create this committee was the right one and I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work."

The RNC Committee on Election Integrity will be chaired by Florida Republican Party Chairman Joe Gruters, with Ashley MacLeay, National Committeewoman from the District of Columbia, serving as Co-Chair. The full temporary RNC committee will consist of 12 men and 12 women, representing the RNC from 21 states and the District of Columbia.

You can read the RNC's full release here.
