The Religious Zionists of America – Mizrachi offers its praise and gratitude to President Trump and the many members of his administration who spent years preparing the peace plan which was put forth at a White House ceremony today.
While there are many details to the plan, we note with appreciation the plan’s acknowledgement that the Palestinians and the Arab world must recognize Israel as the Jewish State whose capital is Jerusalem, including the Old City and its holy sites. Moreover, the plan recognizes the biblical connection between the Jewish People and the many areas in Yehuda and Shomron to which our people have returned; it states that they should not be forced to leave their homes. Finally, the plan makes clear that the Jordan Valley must remain under Israel’s security control if the State of Israel is to be able to defend itself.
While all agree that ultimately, peace must be made between the two parties in the conflict, this plan is built on a foundation of realism and reality which must be accepted if there is ever to be peace.
There is much in the plan that is cognizant of the dreams and desires of the Palestinians. Yet, the Palestinians have refused to “come to the table” or even communicate. At the same time, it is notable that other Arab neighbors, some of whom were in the room in the White House, have cautiously built stronger, more public relationships with Israel. This is a positive development we hope will spur the Palestinians to move forward with negotiations.
In the end, there will be segments of the Israeli population and segments of the Palestinian population who will find this peace proposal “dead on arrival.” We pray and hope that this courageous foray by the Trump administration into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will bear fruit and spur new discussion and negotiation based on realistic expectations. 
Religious Zionists of America - Mizrachi | 212.465.9234 | [email protected] |