Dear TC Community,
Winter is a time when most families are thinking of holidays spent together, adventuring outdoors, and sipping hot drinks around the fire, but I want to add something else to the list: 'Tis also the season to prepare for advocating for our schools during the next legislative session in Olympia (yippee!).
I know this may not be on everyone's holiday wish list, but it is something that's increasingly important due to the critical underfunding of our schools, and we simply must get ready to fight for what our schools need.
To support this effort, TCPG is hosting an adult-only learning event on Monday around the topic of Fully Funded Schools. We have great presenters lined up and will do a fun activity to practice advocating to our legislators. We strongly encourage sending someone from your household to participate. We've also invited neighboring schools, so please extend an invitation to any SPS parents/caregivers in your own community.
This is a timely conversation specifically because SPS is expected to have a $100 million budget deficit next school year. Monday's event will cover how we got here and what we can do to help.
Please reach out with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
Erin MacDougall
Thornton Creek Parent Group Chair