OTA is working with ODOT to compile information for the upcoming FTA BUS and BUS FACILITIES GRANT.
As a service to the OTA membership, we are currently collecting information from transits that are interested in participating in the upcoming BUS and BUS FACILTIES GRANT that ODOT must submit to FTA in mid April.
Unfortunately, we are on a VERY TIGHT TIMELINE and ALL YOUR INFORMATION MUST BE RECEIVED IN OUR OFFICE by APRIL 4th at MIDNIGHT, so we have time to finalize the grant for ODOT get approved and submitted. Unfortunately, late applications cannot be accepted to make sure ODOT has time to do their due diligence before the federal deadline.
Please provide us the following information if you plan to participate.
- Send Andrea an email today indicating your interest in participating to andrea@oktransit.org so we can expect all your information to be coming to us soon.
- By April 4 at MIDNIGHT, please send us the following information attached to ONE EMAIL to andrea@oktransit.org WITH A COPY TO oktransit@oktransit.org.
- Up to three letters of Support for your project from your local area. DRAFT TEMPLATE OTA will also be sending an overall support letter for all transits in the state and have requested letters from our Senate offices.
- Requested Specifics (vehicles, amount, etc.) FORM LINK
- Financial Commitment Letter SAMPLE
All transits in Oklahoma are invited to participate, regardless of OTA membership status, although we'd also love for your transit to help us support the entire industry with a membership in OTA. The efforts of the Oklahoma Transit Association in 2022, raised the overall transit budget for the first time in 17 years by over FIVE MILLION DOLLARS and this funding helps everyone!
If you have any questions on this grant, please feel free to email or call the OTA for more information.